
What is neuro-ophthalmology?

Neurophthalmology deals with diseases and the study of structural neurological functions related to the visual system: in short, it analyzes ocular mobility, that of the cranial nerves and that of the structures that coordinate eye movements, regulating the integration with other sensory systems. It is a very useful clinical-scientific discipline to detect neurological or systemic diseases, linking ophthalmology with neurology, neurosurgery, endocrinology and immunology. Thyroid, hereditary degenerative, immunological and demyelinating pathologies of the central nervous system are therefore easily detectable thanks to neurophthalmology.

Neuro-ophthalmology analyzes ocular mobility.

What are the diseases related to neurophthalmology?

Neurophthalmology treats many conditions, including:

  • Eyelid spasms and correction of certain types of strabismus in adults.
  • Optic nerve tumors
  • Cranial nerve palsies, paralysis of the eyes and altered ocular motility.
  • Pupil disturbances, myopathy and ocular myasthenia
  • Diagnosis of hereditary retinal dystrophies, inflammatory, dysimmune or multiple sclerosis-associated optic neuropathies.

In addition, there are several diseases that may affect the proper function of the optic pathways and therefore interest the field of neurophthalmology, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral vascular diseases (stroke, infarction, etc.)
  • Infectious diseases
  • Toxic diseases

Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms

Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms differ according to the pathologies suffered by the patient. However, there are some major symptoms that are more common than others, including visual function deficits, diplopia (double vision), headache, ptosis (drooping eyelids), exophthalmos (protruding eyes) and pain.

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Medical tests in neurophthalmology

The diagnosis of neuro-ophthalmological diseases is performed by using tools and techniques such as standardized perimetry, OCT for corneal and retinal scans or electrophysiological study of the retina.

In general, clinical activities are carried out in outpatient centers; hospitalization is only foreseen in cases requiring complex diagnoses or specific treatments.

Which specialists treat it?

The specialists who deal with neurophthalmology are neurologists and ophthalmologists.