Cystitis vaccine

What is cystitis vaccine?

Cystitis, also known as urinary tract infection, is a pathology that affects millions of people every year, especially older women or sexually active young women.

This infection, which can become repetitive, so that it becomes one of the main factors and responsible for the prolonged use of antibiotics.

Therefore, the vaccine for cystitis is a vaccine that allows to act on this type of infection, as it reduces the incidence of infection and the need to take antibiotics.

Why is it done?

The main reason for getting vaccinated against cystitis is to prevent urinary tract infections, especially in women who suffer from repeated or recurrent urinary tract infections. That is, when they have had more than three episodes of cystitis per year or two in the last six months, despite following a series of recommendations to prevent them (use of antibiotics, urinary disinfectants, intake of cranberry concentrate, hygienic measures, etc.).

The cystitis vaccine can also be administered to women who suffer from repeated urinary tract infections and who are also allergic to antibiotics.

What does it consist of?

The cystitis vaccine is an antibacterial vaccine, which is linked to a molecule. This type of vaccine is administered orally, so it must be taken on an empty stomach.

It has a great effect, because it activates the individual’s defenses against the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. This allows the cystitis vaccine to reach a very high effectiveness rate, which will avoid the use of antibiotics.

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Preparation for the cystitis vaccine

This vaccine is made from the patient’s own bacteria and acts by stimulating immunity, being able to block the bacteria’s ability to adhere.

In this sense, before indicating the treatment, it is important to follow a series of previous steps depending on the woman, since, depending on this factor, the bacteria most prevalent in urinary tract infections will be selected.

Care after the procedure

After administering the vaccine, the patient may have some side effects, such as the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Itching
  • Abdominal pain

Alternatives to this treatment (other more advanced treatments)

The alternatives to this treatment are antibiotics, but in women with recurrent cystitis, antibiotic overuse can have side effects.