Preventive Cardiology

What is preventive cardiology?

Preventive cardiology is the set of measures that tend to protect the individual from the possibility of suffering a specific medical pathology.

Two types of preventive cardiology can be differentiated according to the approach and treatments used:

  • Primary prevention: refers to the series of tests and advice to prevent the onset of heart disease or problems.
  • Secondary prevention: when cardiac problems already exist, and certain medical or even surgical guidelines, such as coronary artery bypass surgery, would be used to improve quality and survival.

Why is it performed?

The high incidence and mortality from diseases such as ischemic heart disease have been raising awareness in society to carry out prevention, awareness and mentalization campaigns. The aim of preventive cardiology is to try to avoid and combat the main cardiovascular risk factors:

  • Obesity: obesity is a risk factor for numerous cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
  • Diabetes: in patients with diabetes, glucose rises in the blood, deteriorates blood vessels and accelerates arteriosclerosis, being a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
  • Smoking: according to data from the Spanish Heart Foundation, the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease is 3 times higher in smokers.
  • Arterial hypertension: high blood pressure is considered one of the main health problems in developed countries. It is asymptomatic and should be detected and controlled.
  • Sedentary lifestyle habits lacking in physical activity are also detrimental to cardiovascular health, as they lead to obesity. Exercise and a healthy diet, on the other hand, can lead to obesity.
  • Hypercholesterolemia: people who normally have high cholesterol have twice the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, especially heart attacks and arteriosclerosis.

The aim of preventive cardiology is to follow up with a cardiologist to avoid cardiovascular disease or reduce the risk.

What does it consist of?

Preventive cardiology consists of a follow-up performed by the cardiologist with patients who, for whatever reason, are at risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems or who already suffer from them. The follow-up is carried out through a series of consultations, as well as diagnostic and preventive tests and treatments. The most common measures in preventive cardiology:

  • Electrocardiogram: the most frequently used test in cardiology, which records the heart’s activity and can detect problems such as arrhythmias.
  • Pressure Holter: the diagnostic test par excellence for patients with hypertension or sudden changes in blood pressure. It is used to monitor the ups and downs of pressure, find the causes and remedy them.
  • Echocardiogram: using the non-invasive ultrasound system, it allows the specialist to observe the thorax and the functioning of the heart.
  • Stress test: this test, also very common in sports cardiology, observes cardiac, pulmonary and metabolic activity when the body is in motion or performing an endurance effort.
  • Cardiac magnetic resonance: the electromagnetic waves of the resonance allow the heart to be observed in three dimensions and its activity to be assessed in real time.
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the heart: similar to magnetic resonance imaging, CT uses radiology to obtain a multitude of images of the heart from different points.
  • Cardiac catheterization: this test is performed to measure the pressure of the arteries and cardiac cavities, it is performed by inserting a catheter and a guide through an incision in the groin until it reaches the artery to be observed.
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On the other hand, to prevent cardiac pathologies, the procedure usually consists of three steps:

  • Healthy habits: the first step in preventive cardiology will be to give guidelines to the patient to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, which usually include a balanced diet low in saturated fats and physical exercise.
  • Pharmacological treatment: the next level of preventive treatment will be medications aimed at controlling heart disease, such as those that control blood pressure.
  • Surgery: when healthy lifestyle habits and pharmacological treatment are not sufficient, the cardiology specialist may choose to perform preventive surgery, such as stenting to reinforce the venous walls.

Preparation for preventive cardiology

Before the preventive cardiology consultation, the patient can prepare some points to get the most out of his meeting with the doctor, such as writing down the symptoms he feels, the activities he has been doing, bringing a list of the medications he should take and other information useful to the specialist.

It may also be useful for the patient to write down all the questions he/she wishes to ask the physician. In the event of needing any test that requires fasting or special preparation, the specialist will notify the patient and schedule the consultation for a later date.

Care after the procedure

In the process of preventive cardiology, the specialist will provide the patient with guidelines to be followed for the correct prevention of heart disease. Preventive cardiology is a process in which the patient’s collaboration is required in the follow-up of measures and treatments.