

1. What is costochondritis?

2. Symptoms

3. Diagnosis

4. Causes

5. Treatments

6. Which specialist to contact?

What is costochondritis?

Costochondritis is a disease caused by inflammation of the cartilage attached to the upper ribs of the rib cage.

Symptoms of costochondritis

The main symptom that characterizes costochondritis is pain in the chest (usually between the fourth, fifth or sixth rib), but it can also reach the abdomen or back. The pain, which most often causes numbness, is generalized and usually affects the left side of the chest. It may be worsened by chest movements or by simple coughing or deep breathing.

Diagnosis of costochondritis

An objective test and other instrumental tests (X-rays, electrocardiogram, CT and MRI) will be performed.

Fibromyalgia is one of the causes of the pathology.

What are the causes of costochondritis?

  • Thoracic trauma: usually caused by blows received when playing sports (rugby, soccer, etc.).
  • Arthritis: rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, spondylitis.
  • Bacterial infections: tuberculosis, syphilis, candida, salmonella, aspergillosis and other respiratory infections.
  • Physical exertion: persistent cough, heavy lifting.
  • Tumors: breast, thyroid or lung cancer.
  • Fibromyalgia: pain and increased muscle tension in the musculoskeletal system.

Treatments for costochondritis

To cure costochondritis, conservative treatment is necessary (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, application of hot or cold compresses to the affected area, physiotherapy).

Which specialist to contact?

Physicians who treat costochondritis include thoracic surgeons, orthopedists, rheumatologists and physical therapists.