
What is otomycosis?

Otomycosis refers to infections of the skin of the ear canal.

What are the symptoms of otomycosis?

The symptoms of this pathology are itching and serous or sometimes even sero-sanguinous otorrhea.

What are the causes of otomycosis?

The main cause is fungi, specifically Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Otomycosis can also be caused by bacteria such as Pseudomonas.

Can otomycosis be prevented?

The main measures recommended to prevent otomycosis are:

  • Do not clean the ears with cotton swabs.
  • Avoid wetting the ears
  • Use cotton swabs in the shower.
  • Avoid taking antibiotics
  • Eating a diet rich in vitamins and protein, and avoiding sweets, allergens and starchy foods.

What is the treatment of otomycosis?

Treatment consists of repeatedly cleaning the external auditory canal and then applying ear drops with antifungal and acidifying agents. These products hinder the growth of infectious agents. Treatment may also require oral medication, but only in severe cases. In addition, during treatment it is vitally important to avoid moisture in the ear.

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