
What is pneumothorax?

Pneumothorax is the presence of air in the space between the lungs (pleural space), which causes loss of lung volume and collapse of the affected side.

There are different types: tension pneumothorax, spontaneous, spontaneous secondary to another lung disease, and secondary to trauma.

The most common is spontaneous pneumothorax, which occurs without a clear cause.

What symptoms does it present?

The main symptoms of pneumothorax are shortness of breath and chest tightness, followed by an increased heart rate and a bluish skin color change due to lack of oxygen.

Pneumothorax is the presence of air in the space between the lungs.

Causes of pneumothorax

The main cause of pneumothorax is lung injury: gunshot or knife wound to the chest, rib fracture or medical procedure. Sometimes it can also be caused by ruptured air blisters, which can occur during air pressure changes (diving, altitude, etc.).

On the other hand, neuropathies (asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc.) can increase the likelihood of pneumothorax.

Can it be prevented?

There is no concrete way to prevent a pneumothorax, except by avoiding habits and situations that can provoke it, such as smoking.

What does the treatment consist of?

After performing a chest X-ray and arterial blood gas analysis, a treatment is established to eliminate the air in the pleura, allowing the lung to expand. Depending on the amount of air present and the degree of compression exerted on the lung, rest will be prescribed or a chest tube will be placed between the ribs in the hospital to allow the air to evacuate. This drainage may last several days and must be monitored in a medical center. In cases of recurrent pneumothorax, surgery is required to close the area of the pleura where the air exits from the lung.