Protein diet

Table of contents:

  1. What is the protein diet?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. Preparation for the protein diet
  5. Care after the treatment

What is the protein diet?

The protein diet bases its main caloric intake on proteins, which are molecules made up of amino acids. These nutrients are essential for the functioning of the cells of all living beings because they structure the tissues and help muscle regeneration, especially after physical exertion. In addition, they have a metabolic and regulatory function.

In this diet, proteins cover the largest proportion of calories of the day.

Proteins are present in every balanced diet, in the form of protein of animal origin, such as eggs, meat or milk, and vegetable origin, such as cereals, legumes and nuts, among others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is recommended that the percentage of vegetable proteins in our diet be at least 75% of the total, since they are better digested than animal proteins and contain neither fat nor cholesterol.

Why is it done?

The protein diet can help to lose weight and to keep it off, because it satisfies hunger more than fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, consuming protein can help accelerate the metabolic process that eliminates calories and reduces appetite.

What does it consist of?

The protein diet presents a dietary plan focused on the loss of body fat, an improvement of our physical condition and our eating habits, decreasing the intake of sugars and fats. This diet eliminates the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, which are replaced by protein products of high biological value. This helps to burn the body’s reserves of these nutrients.

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Preparation for the protein diet

This diet needs to be controlled by a specialist because it follows a gradual plan of elimination of nutrients and reincorporation, also gradual, once the proposed objectives are achieved.

Care after treatment

After a protein diet it is important to maintain a careful diet. In addition, practicing physical exercise helps to lose weight and to maintain the appropriate and desired weight.