Orthognathic surgery


  1. What is orthognathic surgery?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. Preparation for orthognathic surgery
  5. Care after the operation

What is orthognathic surgery?

The purpose of orthognathic surgery is to correct the position of the maxillary bone and the jaw. In other words, it corrects dento-cranio-maxillofacial deformities to achieve the perfect balance between all the patient’s facial features.

Orthognathic surgery is the definitive solution to many dental malocclusion problems.

The types of corrective surgery are:

  • Mandibular advancement, when the lower teeth and chin are behind the rest of the face.
  • open bite closure, when the upper and lower teeth do not contact when the mouth is closed and leave a gap.
  • of mandibular asymmetry, when the chin and teeth are deviated to one side.

In order to know which treatment is most appropriate, a three-dimensional X-ray study is performed. The images make it possible to know which area should be operated on and to perform a simulation of the process.

Why is it performed?

The objective of this procedure is to achieve a good fit of these two bones to improve the function of the jaw and the aesthetics of the face. This type of surgery is indicated for patients with dental malocclusion that cannot be treated with orthodontics alone.

What does it consist of?

The treatment consists of performing, first of all, a clinical examination that allows taking clinical records such as X-rays, photographs, facial measurements and models. This examination by means of computer programs allows the specialist in Oral Surgery to study in depth the problems presented by the patient and make a specific diagnosis. Afterwards, the necessary treatment for dental, skeletal and facial correction is established.

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Preparation for orthognathic surgery

Before the intervention, the individual will have to wear fixed appliances for a period of time so that the teeth will fit when the jaws have been put in place with the intervention.

Care after the operation

The patient can return to work 10-15 days after surgery. During the first 30 to 40 days the patient should follow a soft diet that should be started on the day of surgery. The postoperative period is painless, although the patient may experience facial swelling that normalizes after 5 to 7 days. Results are visible 10 to 15 days after the procedure.