Obesity test

What is the obesity test?

The genetic test for obesity evaluates the genetic predisposition of a person to gain weight or put on weight as a result of the functioning of various variants. Thus, it studies genetic polymorphisms related to appetite control, the functioning of our metabolism, fat synthesis, energy expenditure and the effect of inflammatory processes.

What does it consist of?

It is a simple saliva analysis test. The saliva sample can be taken at the clinic, and there are specific sample collection kits to send it safely from home to the laboratory and obtain the results.

This procedure will study genes that influence the process of obesity, such as the one that encodes the satiety hormone (leptin hormone) or the appetite hormone (ghrelin hormone), as well as genes that influence the process of obesity, such as the one that encodes the satiety hormone (leptin hormone) or the appetite hormone (ghrelin hormone), as well as genes that influence . Results are usually obtained after 20 days of sample collection.

Our genetic profile has an important influence on our ability to gain or lose weight.

Why is it performed?

This test is designed for people with obesity and also for those with overweight problems, so that they can know their genetic profile and approach more effectively a personalized dietary treatment. This test is especially recommended for the following profiles:

  • People with obesity or severe overweight, especially those who have not achieved the expected results in a process of diet and exercise.
  • Problems with weight control, with rapid recovery of lost weight or who do not feel satiated.
  • Those who present obesity in the abdominal area, even if they have a normal weight due to their complexion.
  • If you have a family history of obesity
  • Patients with pre-diabetes or with a family history of type 2 diabetes.
  • People with a family history of cardiovascular disease
  • Children with overweight or childhood obesity
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Thus, the obesity test is performed to obtain information that allows a more personalized treatment of obesity and, therefore, a more effective and less costly dietary process.

Preparation for the obesity test

This is a non-invasive and painless test consisting of taking a saliva sample. In order for the sample to be as reliable as possible, the following steps are required:

  • One hour before collecting the sample, the patient may not eat, drink various beverages or smoke. You may also not brush your teeth or chew gum during this time.
  • Lips should not be made up when taking the saliva sample.
  • When taking the sample, it is recommended to massage the cheeks with circular movements for 20 seconds in order to stimulate the production of saliva and the detachment of cells.

What does the examination feel like?

The patient will not feel pain or discomfort during the test.

Meaning of abnormal results

The results of the obesity test will provide information about the patient’s ability to regulate appetite and satiety cycles, their assimilation of sugars and fats, their capacity and rate of energy expenditure and fat burning or accumulation, as well as their predisposition to inflammatory processes.

Abnormal results may indicate a hormonal or thyroid abnormality or pathology, or a digestive problem.