Urological Problems Affecting Women

Women suffer less from urological pathologies than men. However, when they reach a certain age, it is common for them to suffer from some ailments which, although they are generally easy to solve, reduce their quality of life. Urinary tract infection is the main urological ailment in women. There are guidelines, changes in habits and … Read more

Myths and Truths about Cystitis

Do only women suffer from cystitis? Not at all, men also have cystitis, frequently, and when they have it, it is usually more serious because it usually affects the prostate and produces a prostatitis with a more complex treatment. What is true is that women have cystitis more frequently, in fact almost 90% of women … Read more

Kidney Cancer, Symptoms and Treatment

What is kidney cancer and what are its symptoms? It is a common cancer in both men and women, about the tenth – twelfth most common solid tumor in order of frequency. It usually occurs in the functioning tissue of the kidney and in its expansive growth it destroys the function of the kidney when … Read more

Renal Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Renal cancer is a type of tumor originating in the kidneys, two organs whose function is to filter the blood in order to remove wastes and excess fluid from the body through urine. Renal cancer is the third most frequent urological tumor in the adult population. We are currently witnessing an increase in the incidence … Read more

Prostate problems and their prevention

The prostate is a sex gland located in the posterior urethra of the male, near the urinary bladder, whose function is to contribute to the formation of seminal plasma and, above all, to prevent infections of the male seminal tract. But the prostate is often the source of numerous health problems among men. However, we … Read more

Four Keys to Prostate Laser

Prostate laser, also known as green laser, is a minimally invasive surgical treatment used as an alternative to surgery to combat prostatic hyperplasia, a disease involving prostate enlargement, without cancer cells. Are there any other diseases in urology for which lasers can be used? There are different types of lasers on the market. For benign … Read more

Prevention, Screening and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

What is the role of early prostate cancer prevention and why is it important? Prevention of prostate cancer from the age of 50 years (45 years in men with a family history of prostate cancer) is of enormous importance in prolonging the lives of men in the 21st century. Similarly to breast cancer in women, … Read more

What can cause infertility in men?

How can we define male infertility? The definition of infertility, according to the WHO (World Health Organization), is the inability to achieve a full-term pregnancy after 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse. What types of infertility are there? There are two types: Primary infertility: which occurs in couples who have never had a pregnancy … Read more