Prostate problems and their prevention

The prostate is a sex gland located in the posterior urethra of the male, near the urinary bladder, whose function is to contribute to the formation of seminal plasma and, above all, to prevent infections of the male seminal tract. But the prostate is often the source of numerous health problems among men. However, we cannot generalize and, obviously, not all men will suffer from prostate disorders during their lifetime. A small proportion of young men will probably suffer from inflammatory and infectious processes, while a significant proportion of adults will need follow-up for diagnosis and treatment of possible prostate cancer and, finally, a high percentage of men reaching adulthood will need treatment to slow the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (which affects half of men aged 60-70 years) or to solve voiding problems”. At this point it is worth remembering that, despite their frequency, prostate diseases have a high possibility of cure, which is why it is always desirable to detect them at an early stage.

How to prevent?

These prostate problems can be prevented with an adequate and frequent sexual function, avoiding urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases, with correct urination habits, that is, without unnecessarily prolonging the time between one urination and another. It is also important to have adequate dietary habits, since there are foods with a protective function, such as vegetables with antioxidants: tomatoes, pumpkin, grapes, soybeans, etc., while foods with a high content of polyunsaturated fats should be avoided.

For the prevention of prostate problems it is advisable to have a medical check-up every year or year and a half from the age of 45, although if there are family risk factors in parents or siblings, the control should be stricter. In addition, any symptoms such as: voiding changes, difficulty urinating, irritative symptoms, fever or urinary retention… should be evaluated by a specialist.