Pneumonia: when is the pneumococcal vaccine necessary?

Strepcococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a bacterium that can cause infections in various organs and, therefore, the whole group is referred to as pneumococcal disease: Ear infections Sinusitis (infections of the paranasal sinuses) Pneumonia (infection in the lungs) Bacteremia (bloodstream infection) Meningitis (infection of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord) Sepsis (extreme response of … Read more

Coronavirus and air conditioning, a perfect binomial?

Summer arrives, good weather and heat, and above all we are looking to cool down and keep our bodies acclimatized. If so far this was not a problem thanks to air conditioning, can it become a problem this summer? When asked about the risk of contagion, Dr. Joaquin Lamela, a pulmonologist and specialist in lung … Read more

Habituated cough, somatic, without organic disease

There are several respiratory symptoms that a patient may have and that, in some cases, are not related to an organic disease. In this sense, there are patients who believe the gastroenterologist or cardiologist if he tells them that the pain they have in the stomach or chest is due to nerves. However, it is … Read more

Coughing, a defense mechanism for the lung

Common colds, acute bronchitis and influenza are more frequent in the autumn and winter months, so coughing episodes also increase during these months. Consequently, the most frequent reason for consultation with pulmonologists during this period is cough. Coughing goes away on its own Coughing episodes are very annoying and last forever. However, in the three … Read more

How the environment affects health

The home environment is important for maintaining good health. In fact, it is important to maintain optimal levels in the environment so that respiratory illnesses do not occur. How dryness affects the environment A dry home environment can irritate the respiratory tract, causing an itchy throat and coughing. This dry environment can also affect the … Read more

Smoking and coronavirus: how does it affect

In reference to the various studies that have come out lately showing that nicotine may protect against COVID-19: does nicotine really protect against coronavirus? No, neither nicotine nor tobacco has been shown to protect against both COVID-19 infection and its adverse effects. In a study conducted in approximately 350 patients with COVID-19, the French found … Read more

Risk factors to be considered to avoid pneumonia

Pneumonia is defined as inflammation of the lung parenchyma caused by an infectious agent. This inflammation is the cause of the occupation of the alveoli by an inflammatory exudate (liquid), which will cause them to be flooded due to lack of ventilation by not producing the gaseous exchange of O2 and CO2, the cause of … Read more

Respiratory physiotherapy as a treatment for bronchiectasis

Dr. Polverino, a specialist in respiratory physiotherapy, talks about the advantages of this treatment, especially for the management of bronchiectasis in adult patients. What is the aim of respiratory physiotherapy? The main objective of the treatment is to prevent exacerbations, reduce symptoms, increase quality of life and reduce the risk of future complications such as … Read more