Coughing, a defense mechanism for the lung

Common colds, acute bronchitis and influenza are more frequent in the autumn and winter months, so coughing episodes also increase during these months.

Consequently, the most frequent reason for consultation with pulmonologists during this period is cough.

Coughing goes away on its own

Coughing episodes are very annoying and last forever. However, in the three diseases mentioned above, if they are not complicated, the cough eventually disappears on its own, without any influence from the treatment advised by the doctor or the home remedies used by the patient (onion cut in the room, honey with lemon, medicinal plants, etc.).

Ineffectiveness of cough medicines

Currently, most pediatricians recommend bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids to children who have a cough caused by acute bronchitis. However, these medications are not effective in relieving coughs and, in fact, have numerous side effects.

In some cases, doctors also recommend syrups, which, although they have fewer adverse effects, are innocent medications: they do neither good nor harm.

Cough, a defensive mechanism of the lung

Patients are always worried about coughing, as it is very annoying and lasts for a prolonged period of time. However, it is a defensive mechanism of the lung in acute bronchitis and influenza.

At first, the patient coughs because the bronchi are inflamed. Then, he coughs to eliminate the phlegm or bronchial secretions that are produced in the glands located in the submucosa of the bronchi when they become inflamed. For this reason, it is not advisable to eliminate cough with medication.

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On the other hand, it is essential to know that, in order to eliminate the cough, the disease must be cured. In this sense, acute bronchitis and influenza, which are two diseases caused by viruses, can only be cured with the passage of days.

In any case, coughs cannot be cured with medication. Even if it is very annoying, it is important not to worry too much. We should be more concerned about dyspnea or shortness of breath.