Can cow’s milk be bad for you?

Many people complain that cow’s milk makes them sick, so they switch to vegetable drinks, which have little nutritional value, claiming that their stomach discomfort disappears if they give up cow’s milk. The problem is that they sometimes do not rule out intolerances or allergies beforehand. Cow’s milk intolerance should be analyzed by its components. … Read more

FibroScan, the virtual liver biopsy

The fibroscan is a non-invasive technique that detects possible liver diseases with ultrasound, this vitural liver biopsy can prevent complications such as cirrhosis, statosis, among others. The FibroScan is a device which, by means of sound waves (ultrasound), measures the hardness and elasticity of the liver and, depending on its state (more or less hard … Read more

Causes and Remedies of Intestinal Gas

The air we breathe The gases that are produced in our digestive tract, especially in the colon, are eliminated by 80% of us through feces and farts. The remaining 20% passes into the blood and then into the lungs, where it is eliminated with the exhaled air. In this sense, gas analysis tests are based … Read more

Do you know the causes of chronic diarrhea?

Chronic diarrhea encompasses a large number of possible causes, among which we can cite as the most frequent: Protein intolerance Deficiencies in disaccharidases Celiac disease Infections IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated allergy. Enzyme deficiencies, most common Cystic Fibrosis Infestations of the intestine Immunoglobulin deficiency, Immunodeficiencies Lymphocytic or collagenous enteritis Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative … Read more

Why is it not advisable to medicate with ibuprofen to relieve reflux?

Heartburn and reflux is one of the main reasons for consultation. The first thing to do is to rule out pathologies such as hiatal hernia, Helicobacter pylori infection, lower esophageal sphincter incontinence or possible food allergies. For this purpose, one of the following tests can be performed: Endoscopy with esophageal biopsy. Esophageal manometry and multichannel … Read more

Why should we moderate fiber intake

Many people, especially women, suffer from abdominal distension, bloating and gas, but why does it happen? These pathologies respond to multiple causes, among the most frequent: food allergies, intolerance, candidiasis, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux or inadequate diet, Crohn’s disease. Given the variety and multitude of causes that can give rise to the aforementioned problems, it … Read more

4 questions on gastroscopy

Gastroscopy is an examination that allows visualization of the internal contents and walls of the digestive tract, in particular the esophagus, stomach and the first portions of the small intestine. This test is a very important source of information for the diagnosis and evaluation of diseases of the digestive tract; it not only allows to … Read more

FibroScan: the revolution in the diagnosis of liver diseases

FibroScan or transitional elastography is a diagnostic technique that allows measuring the elasticity of liver tissue and thus assessing the existence of liver fibrosis. The latest generation of equipment incorporates the CAP (controlled attenuation parameter) which allows quantification of the percentage of fatty infiltration of the liver. The use of FibroScan is especially indicated for … Read more