Lactose intolerance, an unequal pathology according to the dairy products consumed

Lactose is present in milk and its derivatives. Lactose intolerance is due to a decrease of the enzyme necessary for its metabolization and absorption in the walls of the intestine. This enzyme is called lactase. The frequency of lactose intolerance is detected differently in different countries. Areas more accustomed to consuming milk suffer fewer cases … Read more

How to treat Crohn’s Disease?

Dr. Juan José Vila Costas, a leading specialist in digestive system and expert in Crohn’s disease, talks about this pathology and how it affects certain groups of people. In most cases Crohn’s disease is detected by performing a colonoscopy, although since it can affect any part of the digestive tract, it can be diagnosed by … Read more

How do I know if I have colon diverticula

Diverticula are dilatations (like small pouches) that form in the wall of any area of the digestive tract. The most frequent are located in the colon (large intestine) and preferentially in the descending colon and sigma. What is the importance of colonic diverticula? Although in most cases, people who have diverticula do not feel sick, … Read more

Diverticulitis and diverticulosis, lesser known digestive diseases

It is common to hear about gastroesophageal reflux, indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome, but it is also important to detail what other pathologies associated with the digestive system may appear and what to do to control them. What is known as diverticular disease or diverticulitis? Diverticular disease refers to any clinical condition that occurs as … Read more

Advantages offered by laparoscopy

Surgical techniques have been evolving to become less and less invasive, something that benefits the patient who must undergo surgery. Dr. Suárez Guijarro, expert in Digestive System, talks about the advantages of laparoscopy as a surgical technique. Laparoscopy is a technique that consists of approaching the abdominal cavity with an optic in order to be … Read more

9 key questions about abdominal bloating

Feeling bloated can be related to a variety of reasons, but feeling heavy is not the same as looking bloated. Digestive specialist Dr. Mearin answers some of the most frequently asked questions. 1. What is known as abdominal bloating? When we talk about abdominal bloating, we refer to two things: A feeling of “being bloated”, … Read more

Fatty liver: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Fatty liver disease is an emerging pathology worldwide, both in children and adults. This disease consists of the deposit of excess fat inside the liver, especially affecting obese and/or diabetic people. Other risk factors also play a role: The genetic component Dyslipidemia Suffering from arterial hypertension Taking certain drugs such as antiarrhythmic or chemotherapy drugs. … Read more

Fatty liver, an obesity-related disease

Fatty liver, which affects 25 percent of the Spanish population, is a disease that occurs when excess fat accumulates in this organ. In some cases, this disease affects the patient mildly with little inflammation or hepatitis. However, in other cases, it can develop as liver fibrosis and cirrhosis with the risk of suffering hepatocarcinoma. In … Read more

Why is it not advisable to medicate with ibuprofen to relieve reflux?

Heartburn and reflux is one of the main reasons for consultation. The first thing to do is to rule out pathologies such as hiatal hernia, Helicobacter pylori infection, lower esophageal sphincter incontinence or possible food allergies. For this purpose, one of the following tests can be performed: Endoscopy with esophageal biopsy. Esophageal manometry and multichannel … Read more

What foods to avoid when traveling to hot countries?

When we travel, especially to hot countries in Africa, Asia or South America, it is advisable to follow certain food hygiene guidelines to avoid possible stomach aches or small viruses that we can catch and that can ruin our vacations. What dietary recommendations should be followed in hot countries? There are some guidelines that may … Read more