How does Mindfulness help children

Mindfulness aims to make the person focus on the present moment in an active way, to pay attention, to have a full and reflective awareness of what is happening in the present moment. This technique helps to remind us to return to the “here and now” in each moment.

This therapeutic procedure seeks that the emotional aspects and other non-verbal processes are accepted and lived in their own condition, without being avoided or trying to control them. Specialists in psychiatry emphasize that this procedure helps patients to be happier and enjoy a fuller life.

Mindfulness can be applied to children from 4 or 5 years of age, as they are able to develop, in their own way, a deep inner life, more easily than adults. In addition, this procedure pays a lot of attention to the body and children understand body language well, helping them to avoid the most typical problems of childhood such as shyness, fear, childhood stress or anxiety, among others.

Mindfulness teaches us to stay only with what we experience, without adding suffering. It is necessary to learn to let emotions flow, feel them, and above all, do not want to eliminate or control them, if they are there, it is for a reason, and wanting to avoid them, will only attract them more. Some of the benefits of mindfulness are:

  • Increases the capacity for perspective
  • Reduces stress at work
  • Reduces stress in the classroom
  • Helps us to know ourselves
  • Reduces anxiety in adults and children
  • Increases the ability to concentrate
  • Develops intelligence
  • Improves interpersonal relationships
  • Promotes creativity