Treating vaginal dryness with aesthetic medicine

Vaginal dryness is the lack of lubrication, which makes sexual intercourse painful. It is usually caused by a drop in estrogen and affects 40% of menopausal women, but also young women taking contraceptives. Hyaluronic acid injections allow vaginal hydration to be restored.

Vaginal dryness: what it is

Vaginal dryness is the lack of lubrication, which makes sexual intercourse uncomfortable and even painful. It is usually caused by a drop in estrogens (female hormones), usually at the onset of menopause, and is due to atrophy (thinning) of the vaginal mucosa as a result of this lack of estrogens. The most dramatic aspect of this symptomatology for those who suffer from it (it usually occurs in 40% of menopausal women) is that, unlike sweating, which usually disappears, vaginal dryness increases with age if it is not properly treated.

Incidence of vaginal dryness in the female population

Vaginal dryness occurs in 40% of menopausal women, but also in some young people taking contraceptives, due to the decrease in estrogen that this entails. However, the latter case is reversible when contraceptives are stopped.

How to treat vaginal dryness with aesthetic medicine

The most innovative treatment in this regard is the infiltration of specific hyaluronic acid in the vaginal mucosa, which moisturizes it and gives it juiciness, thus relieving the symptoms. It is a simple treatment, which is performed in the doctor’s office, and does not require anything special after the treatment. It is done only with cream anesthesia in the area to be treated and the results can be noticed from the fifth day after the injection of hyaluronic acid and lasts from three to six months.

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Normally it is a treatment that requires several sessions in one, three or six months interval, depending on how affected the vaginal mucosa is and the type of atrophy and dryness suffered.

Results of treating vaginal dryness with hyaluronic acid

The results of treating vaginal dryness with aesthetic medicine are favorable. In all cases there is an improvement of the symptoms that, in some cases will be more noticeable than in others and, in the latter, only requires a new treatment with a time interval between one and three months.

In general, all the patients are very happy and grateful, since until now these types of symptoms could only be treated with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), creams and vaginal oils which, in reality, did not help much, they only relieved the pain for a few minutes and did not remove the stinging sensation and pain during sexual intercourse, thus affecting the quality of life of the patients.

We are in an era in which, thanks to social and health advances, women live to an average age of 83 years. We must take into account that we spend a third of our lives in menopause and that at 60 years of age women enjoy very good health and physical appearance; it is normal that we want to have a good sexual health, since this is the only way to obtain a good quality of life in all senses and to delay aging in general, an aspect that has been scientifically proven.