Adolescent Conduct Disorders

The alteration in adolescent behavior and the appearance of some dissocial behaviors are the most frequent problems in adolescence. When we talk about dissocial behaviors, we refer to participation in fights and arguments, defiant attitude towards authority, non-compliance with rules, aggressiveness, bullying and theft. If these behaviors occur frequently or generate problems in any of the usual environments of the adolescent (social, family and/or academic), we could be talking about a Conduct Disorder, although this only happens in 2% to 4% of cases.

In most cases, these behaviors are the manifestation of another more frequent disorder in adolescence: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Mood Disorder or Substance Use Disorder, accompanied by certain psychological characteristics (low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity and hostility to the environment). Depression in adolescents is very often presented with continuous irritability, even with reactive aggressiveness to limits, and in many cases with a negative behavior, which may seem defiant.

ADHD frequently presents associated behavioral problems and a significant deterioration in their academic environment, in fact, approximately 60% of untreated cases present a Conduct Disorder. On the other hand, 80% of Substance Use Disorders are associated with a Conduct Disorder and such use is associated with symptoms of anxiety, depression and up to 20-30% of cases with ADHD.

Diagnosis of the problem and/or the disorder underlying a behavioral problem is the key to success in curing it. Pharmacological treatment can treat the current clinical picture and prevent future complications in a very satisfactory way, for example, in the case of ADHD it achieves response rates of approximately 80%. In other cases the combination with psychological therapy or other psychoeducational interventions can improve the response.