Recommendations for patients with ischemic heart disease

What to do after a heart attack or angina pectoris?

– Practice regular and sustained physical exercise. The most recommended in general are walking, running, cycling and swimming.

– Follow a diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit, low-fat proteins, cereals and vegetable oils, especially olive oil (traditional Mediterranean diet).

– Moderate the use of salt even if you are not hypertensive.

– If you are obese, you should lose weight.

– If you are not hypertensive, follow a moderate consumption of alcohol: 1-2 glasses of red wine daily.

– Avoid stressful situations, excessive cold, heavy meals, physical exercise after meals or intense exercise. Moderate physical activity and sexual intercourse are not contraindicated.

– Drugs for impotence can be used, as long as they do not use nitrates chronically and an expert in adult cardiology authorizes it.

Ischemic heart disease: pharmacological treatment

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is prescribed to all patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, unless there are contraindications to its use. In addition, as a precaution all such patients should always carry sublingual nitroglycerin for use in case of angina pectoris.

There are various drugs to control heart disease, the most common being beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and nitrates. If the patient has high cholesterol, he/she may need to use drugs such as statins to lower them.

When to consult a physician or an emergency department?

– Chest pain similar to that previously experienced, which does not subside with rest and sublingual nitrates (up to 3-4 tablets may be given every 5 minutes).

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– In the case of daily angina, even of short duration.