What is mucogingival surgery

Mucogingival surgery is surgery to correct mucogingival alterations. It is a series of surgical techniques applied to correct the quality and quantity of the soft tissues around teeth and implants. The alterations may be due to:

  • Tissue deficits, mainly recessions.
  • Tissue excesses, such as alterations of passive eruption.

What is the aim of the surgery?

In cases of mucogingival defects due to tissue deficits, the objectives of mucogingival surgery can be both to increase the gingival thickness and height around teeth, implants or even fixed prostheses inside or implant-supported prostheses, and sometimes even to increase the tissues in edentulous ridges as part of pre-implantological tissue reconstructions.

On the other hand, on other occasions the objective of mucogingival surgery is just the opposite, and it is performed to reduce the mucogingival tissues. In some cases, this is necessary to rehabilitate teeth with cervical pathology, where surgical lengthening of dental crowns is required. It can also be done for esthetic reasons, in cases of gingival misalignment or, in other situations, gummy smile and passive eruption alterations.

For more information on mucogingival surgery contact a dental specialist.

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