It’s easy to quit smoking if you know how

Did you know that smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world? In addition to the serious health consequences for the smoker, there are multiple reasons to start quitting smoking:

  • Health: lower risk of cancer, heart attacks, lung diseases… On the other hand, when we quit smoking our complexion benefits, we breathe better, we reduce our blood pressure, our teeth and nails are cleaner, etc.
  • Improve your lifestyle: save money, enjoy food and smells, have more time for yourself. In the end, freeing yourself from a dependency.
  • Second-hand smoke: improving the lives of people around us, e.g. family or friends (passive smokers).

Smoking cessation techniques

Smoking is a form of drug dependence, since nicotine causes both physical and psychological dependence, says Dr. Galiana Perucho, a specialist in smoking and director of the Galiana Clinic.

The doctor affirms that, although there are a limited number of smoking cessation products available, they can be very effective. The two treatment options are the following, or a combination of both:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy: this can be through patches, lozenges, inhalers or gum.
  • Pharmacological treatment: such as tricyclic antidepressant drugs, always under medical prescription.

In any case, it is highly recommended that, before starting any smoking cessation method, to see a doctor specialized in smoking. In this way, the doctor will have a medical history, in addition to carrying out the necessary complementary studies to design the treatment that best suits the patient’s needs, depending on his or her motivation and degree of dependence.

On the other hand, Dr. Galiana also points out that the help of a specialist in psychology can be especially useful for the dependent person, since it will serve as a support to achieve his or her goal: to quit smoking.

5 tips for quitting smoking

For all those people who wish to quit smoking, there are several recommended guidelines to follow:

  • Write down the goal: when a change is desired, it is always better to write it down, with all the reasons for making that decision. This paper will be a good reminder.
  • Set a date: setting a date to quit smoking is very important. In addition, it is also advisable to indicate it to the people closest to you so that they can support you.
  • Learn: if you have tried smoking before, remember the mistakes you may have made to avoid them again.
  • Get rid of all cigarettes: including ashtrays, lighters… anything that might tempt you to smoke.
  • Abstinence: it is important to remain firm without concessions, since a cigarette could trigger the need again.
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Are substitutes good? Such as, for example, chewing gum or electronic cigarettes.

Dr. Villar Álvarez, a specialist in Pneumology at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz, reports that “the electronic cigarette is in no case a substitute”.

On the other hand, he indicates that chewing gum, candies or patches do act as an efficient substitute, as long as the treatment is supervised by a specialist. With the passage of time, the physician will be able to graduate the dosage.

Is conventional tobacco more addictive than electronic tobacco?

“It depends on the component and the amount that goes into the e-cigarette,” asserts Dr. Villar, stressing that it is not a good alternative to conventional tobacco.

“This is because there are numerous studies that show the harmful effects of electronic cigarettes. They cause lesions in the lung, with significant bronchopulmonary damage,” he says.

Is there a better time of year to quit smoking?

As we have seen, although quitting smoking can be complicated initially, there are a wide variety of techniques that are very effective. But, once we want to take the step to quit smoking, is there an optimal time during the year?

Ms. Martínez Martínez, a psychologist with a practice in Xàtiva (Valencia), answers categorically: “there is no best time of the year to quit smoking, it is always a good time”. In other words, the time of the year will have no influence, only the will of each person.

Is it easier for a person who is trying for the first time than for someone who has been trying for several times?

Mrs. Martinez explains that, on paper, there should be no difference. Despite this, she stresses that those who have been trying to quit smoking for several attempts may see their self-esteem diminished. “Self-esteem is always important when it comes to quitting smoking”.

For this reason, people who have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking are more likely to feel incapable of succeeding. At this time it is advisable to see a specialist in psychology, since he/she will be able to help the patient to work on and improve his/her self-esteem in order to subsequently quit smoking.