Cold or flu? Take care of yourself but without antibiotics

Spain concentrates most of its antibiotic consumption between the months of November and February. Today, November 18, is the European Day for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, this year under the slogan: Cold or flu? Take care of yourself but without antibiotics. The aim is to put an end to the abuse of antibiotics and to remember that they are only useful against bacteria and not for viral infections such as the flu or colds.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has launched this video as part of its campaign for this year in which various activities will be carried out throughout Europe. In Spain this day comes with the onset of cold weather throughout the country and just when colds and flu-like processes begin to appear. The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) reminds us that antibiotics are not useful for 90% of the cases of respiratory infections that reach Primary Care. Doctors should therefore be made aware when prescribing but, above all, pharmacists and citizens should be made aware that they should neither give nor take antibiotics without a prescription.

Spain continues to be above the European average in antibiotic consumption, which reflects an excessive use of these drugs. This abuse is a problem because bacterial resistance is generated, causing them to have no effect. Together we must ensure a prudent use of antibiotics, for our health and that of the next generations.