Natural Strategies for the Treatment of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a problem that affects one in ten women of reproductive age and is often diagnosed late. It consists of the presence of endometrial tissue (inner layer of the uterus) in places outside the uterus such as the tubes, ovaries, bladder, intestines and is characterized by intense pain which, of course, should not be normalized or overlooked.

Some disciplines such as osteopathy, physiotherapy, nutrition, psychoneuroimmunology or Chinese medicine can help reduce or eliminate the pain.

The theory that explains the migration of endometrial tissue to other areas of the pelvis or abdomen is retrograde menstruation (menstrual flow up the tubes and leaks to other areas of the body). However, there are other factors involved in the development of this disease.

Natural coping strategies for endometriosis

Conventional treatment consists of hormonal treatment, anti-inflammatory and other drugs and, in some cases, surgical removal of the endometriosis foci. Some of these natural strategies are:

  • Immune system.

Endometrial tissue that has migrated to other areas outside the uterus should be reabsorbed by the immune system, but the immune system may lose efficiency and not resolve the endometriosis cysts/nodules is called “chronic low-grade inflammation”.

Chronic low-grade inflammation can occur in the body when there is ongoing stress, lack of rest, consumption of ultra-processed foods, unresolved digestive problems. This affects the immune system causing it to become less efficient.

Some of the symptoms that warn of the presence of chronic low-grade inflammation are: abdominal bloating, heavy digestions, food intolerances, candidiasis, herpes, eczema, insomnia, etc….

The intervention at this level would consist of carrying out an interview and detecting where there are pockets of inflammation in order to improve them by resorting to an anti-inflammatory diet.

  • Hyperestrogenism
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Estrogens cause endometriosis foci to grow and inflammation to increase. Non-pharmacological intervention to reduce estrogen concentration consists of facilitating the elimination of estrogens by the liver, preventing their reabsorption at the digestive level and reducing their creation by reducing the activity of the enzyme aromatase.

The liver is responsible for eliminating estrogens through the processes of methylation, sulfation, glucuronidation and glutathione. A diet and lifestyle habits that promote liver detoxification along with supplementation of substances that promote each of these 4 phases would be very beneficial in improving endometriosis.

Too much aromatase enzyme activity (converts androgens to estrogens) results in too much estrogen production. The aromatase enzyme is found in the ovaries, liver, skin, brain, breast, adrenal glands, bones and especially in adipose tissue, body fat.

A final element to take into account are endocrine disruptors. These are chemical substances that alter our hormonal system when they come into contact with us. These substances are found in cosmetic products, make-up, plastic containers, environmental pollution, etc. Therefore, avoiding exposure to endocrine disruptors would be another natural intervention to improve endometriosis.

  • Treatment of the pelvic area

The best way is to resort to pelvic floor physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture, since local inflammation is improved and the adhesions created by endometriosis are worked on.

  • Emotional management

Living with pain continuously affects our emotional state. Having the help of a psychologist can be of great help to stop this vicious circle and learn to manage the treatment. Acupuncture is also a good resource to reduce stress.