World Anti-Drug Day

Since 1987, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking has been celebrated every June 26.

What are drugs?

The Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences defines a drug as a “substance or medicinal preparation” that has “stimulant, depressant, narcotic and/or hallucinogenic” effects on those who consume it. The history of drugs is very old, as alcohol and tobacco are millennia old. However, today we differentiate between legal drugs and illegal drugs. At the same time, it should be mentioned that each country establishes its own regulations regarding the legality of drugs in its territory. For example, in some states of the United States, Canada, Uruguay and some areas of Holland, cannabis consumption is legal.

The drug in Spain

It was not until 1918 that the free use of drugs was prohibited in Spain. At that time, cocaine consumption was found in the upper classes, while cannabis was consumed in areas with fewer resources. With the arrival of Franco’s regime, the use of amphetamines, cannabis and derivatives spread at first, increasing surveillance and raids to control their use. In the second part of the Franco regime, there was a boom in psychedelic drugs, such as LSD.

In the 80’s, the use of injected heroin spread, increasing juvenile mortality, and drug use became the main cause of juvenile death.

In the 80s and 90s, the entry of cocaine through Galician smugglers marked a turning point in the fight against drugs. It was through Galicia that cocaine from Colombia entered Europe, spreading and increasing its consumption progressively until then.

Spain is currently the sixth most drug-using country in Europe, although it is on the podium in terms of cannabis and cocaine use.

What are the most consumed drugs?

According to a UN report, in 2020 about 275 million people consumed drugs. According to this report, cannabis was the most consumed drug worldwide in 2019, with an estimated 200 million people. Cannabis is a drug that is in full expansion, almost 5% of the world’s population consumed cannabis in 2019, increasing its consumption by almost 20% in the last decade.

As for cocaine, more than 20 million people consumed it in 2019, representing 0.5% of the world population.

Who consumes drugs in Spain?

Spain is at the top in illegal drug consumption in Europe. Spain is the sixth country in Europe in terms of drug use, behind only the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and France.

Drug use among adolescents. In Spain, the drugs most consumed by young people between 14 and 18 are legal drugs, i.e. alcohol and tobacco, followed by cannabis. The use of legal drugs is more widespread among girls, while the use of illegal drugs is more widespread among boys. According to the 2020 report of the Spanish Observatory on Drugs and Addictions, in 2018, 78% of young people acknowledged having drunk alcohol at some time in the last year, and almost 60% having done so in the last month.

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As for tobacco, its prevalence in adolescence stands at 27%, being mostly in females, and with an average age of onset of 14 years.

As for illegal drugs, cannabis is the legal drug most consumed by young people. In 2018, 33% of young people recognized having ever tried it, 27.5% recognized having taken it in the last year and almost 20% in the last month. Other drugs such as cocaine have a prevalence of 2.4%, ecstasy of 1.9% and amphetamines of 1.1%.

Drug use in the adult population. In adults, alcohol continues to be the most widely consumed substance, along with tobacco. The average prevalence of alcohol consumption is almost 63%, of which the majority are men. The most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages are beer, wine and mixed drinks. Despite efforts to raise awareness of tobacco consumption, its consumption is increasing slightly each year. Almost 35% of the Spanish population smokes every day, with 2018 being the highest figure since 2005.

Hypnosedatives are one of the most consumed drugs by the adult population, especially in women. Its prevalence of use stands at 11%, and 20% of the population between 15 and 64 years of age acknowledges having taken them at some time.

Cannabis is the drug with the highest annual growth. Its prevalence is at 9%, with a clear male tendency. Thirty-five percent of the population acknowledges having used cannabis at some time.

In the case of cocaine, its use continues to increase, and its prevalence stands at 2.2%, although one in ten adults admits to having tried it at some time. The average cocaine user in Spain is clearly male, with an average age of consumption between 24 and 44 years.

Is it possible to get off drugs?

Overcoming addiction is not easy and requires considerable effort. However, it is important to get help from one’s own environment and family, as well as from professionals specialized in the treatment of drug addiction.

Addiction not only generates problems in the person who suffers from it, but also in his or her environment and loved ones. Acceptance of addiction is fundamental when it comes to asking for help and starting a rehabilitation process.