Tooth decay alert! 5 common mistakes made by parents

Children’s health is a very important issue for parents, but when it comes to tooth decay, some mistakes are often made that favor its appearance. The CIRO Dental Clinic warns about the most common mistakes made by parents.

First visit to the dentist, too late Many parents take their children to the dentist for the first time too late, usually due to pain or discomfort. If regular visits are made, it will be easier to detect and control possible problems. The pediatric dentist will also be able to guide parents on the care and cleaning necessary for each age group.

2. Not giving importance to baby teeth Baby teeth eventually fall out, but they should also be cared for as if they were permanent teeth. Deep cavities can damage structures in the mouth, affecting what will be the permanent teeth.

3. Oral hygiene without fluoride Fluoride allows the dental enamel of the teeth to be reinforced and makes them more resistant to caries. That is why it is advisable that children use toothpaste with fluoride, but taking into account that it should be the right amount for their age.

4. Children are not able to clean their teeth properly, since many of them put the toothbrush in their mouth and suck it or eat the toothpaste. It is important that parents check the brushing and ensure the child’s oral hygiene.

5. The biggest cause of tooth decay is sugar, so it is important for parents to limit children’s consumption. When a child eats candies and sweets, parents should check that they do not stick to the teeth. Another great source of sugar is packaged juices, a very common beverage among children.