Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometrial Polyps

Most endometrial polyps or uterine polyps are not cancerous and do not cause discomfort. However, if you have more than one polyp, symptoms, the polyp grows, could make it difficult to become pregnant, or if there is a risk of malignancy, they should be removed and analyzed.

An endometrial polyp, which occurs when there is an overgrowth in the endometrium, does not usually produce symptoms, and in most cases are detected in gynecological checkups.

However, if you have certain symptoms, such as heavy or irregular menstruation, postmenopausal bleeding or difficulties in achieving pregnancy, it would be best to see a gynecologist for an examination and diagnostic tests.

If a polyp is suspected at the consultation, a transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy will be performed. Both are painless and very quick tests that can confirm or rule out the presence of polyps, as well as check the number, size and location.

In what cases should the endometrial polyp be removed?

Once the polyp has been diagnosed, it should be followed up periodically to decide whether or not it should be removed. This will take into account the manifestation of symptoms, the size of the polyp itself, the number of polyps, the woman’s age and the desire to become pregnant.

  • If the woman has not reached menopause and the polyp is small and does not manifest symptoms, its evolution can be followed periodically without intervention.
  • If the woman has not reached menopause and has no symptoms, but there are several polyps or one of them is growing, it is recommended to remove it to avoid possible risks.
  • If the woman has reached menopause, and the polyp is small and has no symptoms, its possible removal will be studied to avoid potential malignancy.
  • If the woman wishes to become pregnant and is unable to do so, removal of the polyp is recommended.
  • If there are symptoms, no matter the age, it is better to remove the polyp.
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How is an endometrial polyp removed?

Typically, an endometrial polyp is removed through hysteroscopy, a minor surgical procedure. This is a very minimally invasive and very quick procedure that is performed vaginally.

At Women’s we perform this type of intervention regularly, and it is performed on an outpatient basis, in the same office and without hospitalization.

If you would like more information about endometrial polyps, please consult a specialist in Gynecology.