Homeopathic treatments for the most common allergies

According to the individual characteristics of each person, the hyperreactivity that produces an allergy is realized and/or shown in certain tissues, especially of the skin and the coverings of the respiratory system and also of the digestive system even though this type of affections are less frequent in number than the other two.

It follows that the most frequent allergic diseases will be:

  1. SKIN: Urticaria characterized by a series of acute reactions to the skin with general affectation or by zones and accompanied by itching (pruritus), heat and reddening of the skin that is usually triggered by the ingestion of some food to which the person is sensitive or to some medication or by inhalation of toxic products or to which the person is sensitive although it is frequently seen in people who have undergone acute emotional stress or in states of anxiety or anguish.
    1. Contact dermatitis: As its name indicates, it is produced by direct contact with some substance or its emanations.
  2. RESPIRATORY APPARATUS: All the parts of the respiratory apparatus are susceptible to be affected in more or less degree, in an isolated way or jointly or intermittently with the other parts.
    1. Allergic rhinitis: characterized by sneezing, itchy nose, watery secretion and nasal obstruction.
    2. Tracheal laryngitis: causes itching of the neck, dry cough that often becomes suffocating, with minimal or no mucous secretion, and may give a sensation of respiratory difficulty due to the great inflammation of the larynx that hinders the entry of air and pain in the middle of the thorax behind the sternum.
    3. Bronchiolitis: Obstructive form that basically affects infants. 1 Obstructive bronchiolitis: Produces in a first phase a narrowing of the diameter of the bronchi with respiratory difficulty that can be of very variable intensity that can reach the acute respiratory insufficiency that often forces to hospital admissions. The more stable and chronic forms are called with the generic name of bronchial asthma.
  3. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS: They are mainly based on digestive intolerances, among the most frequent there are gluten and lactose intolerances that primarily affect children and sometimes may be due to immaturity of the digestive system in infants. Glossitis or tongue inflammations and palate affections can also be found, which usually accompany other allergic manifestations of skin or upper respiratory tract.
    The symptoms vary from local inflammation and itching to diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting.
  4. EYES: Conjunctivitis is, because of its frequency, worthy of being named.

Treatments and homeopathy for allergies

  1. Conventional treatment: In the light of all that I have explained we can understand the treatment that allergists and conventional medicine doctors apply to allergic crises: on the one hand antihistamines which, as their name suggests, aim to reduce the activity of Histamine and on the other hand preparations with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as cortisone, which have a strong depressive action of the Immune System (IS), inhibiting the action of those substances left over from the Immune System in the affected tissues.
  2. Acupuncture: The claim of acupuncture to contribute to the state of balance of the body through the work on the so-called meridians, a type of “highways” through which energy circulates and that interrelate all parts of the body, both organs and systems with each other and the surface with the depth. However, acupuncturists often do not needle children and this can make treatment difficult.
  3. Hygienic measures: It is very important for allergy sufferers to take care of their diet in order not to overload the liver and to avoid toxins as much as possible, which, although they are not the cause, can worsen allergic conditions. At the same time it is necessary, as it can be supposed, to avoid as much as possible the contact with those substances or products to which it is known to be hypersensitive.
  4. Naturopathic treatments: We would include all the depurative measures that, although they are not specific treatments in themselves, they are useful as a complement to other treatments. The use of artichoke or thistle, the cooking of onion, garlic or celery are some practical examples. There are other treatments for which it is necessary to consult a naturopathic doctor or a naturopath.
  5. Homeopathy: The basic treatment of allergy with homeopathic remedies must be carried out by the homeopathic physician through the clinical history that must allow him to search and prescribe what is called constitutional remedy. This is the system that must always be followed in the homeopathic treatment for any type of disease and if the remedy is successful, it can substantially modify all the symptoms and even cure them.
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However, there are a number of homeopathic remedies that can be useful as emergency measures in certain circumstances, especially in acute crises.

  • Apis mellifica is a useful remedy in skin allergies when red, edematous (swollen), hot and very itchy or painful to the touch lesions are present. It can also be used in inflammations of the pharynx that present similar characteristics.
  • Urtica urens (lesser nettle) for urticaria.
  • Histaminum: The use of histamine prepared by the homeopathic system of dilution and dynamization makes it useful as an “antihistamine” since substances prepared in this way have an inverse effect to the substance in pure form. It is not a homeopathic treatment per se, but isopathic, that is, it uses the same (Isos)substance and not the similar (homoios).
  • In addition, there are a number of useful remedies for specific situations caused by allergic reactions that it is best to consult a homeopathic doctor about their use.

The treatments here exposed dream only informative and are not all the possible treatments, certainly but they can be a sample of the much that can be done to correct and to treat the allergic reactions.