How is skin cancer detected?

Skin cancer can be detected on the basis of a series of signs that alert us to the risk of suffering from the disease. It is important to consult a dermatology specialist.

Symptoms of skin cancer

Appearance of a wound or lump that does not heal or bleeds. In these cases a biopsy is performed to confirm the suspicion. Depending on the level of invasion, these symptoms will be treated with cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy or, ultimately, surgery.

Photodynamic therapy is a non-invasive technique that treats skin cancer in a highly selective manner and with an excellent cosmetic result. It is an alternative to actinic keratoses and superficial basal cell epitheliomas as well as epidermoid epitheliomas in situ. Photodynamic therapy is effective in patients with multiple lesions or involvement of large areas such as face, scalp, arms and legs.

2. Appearance of a pigmented lesion or modification of a pre-existing one, such as color change, irregular borders, bleeding or ulceration.

Dermatology specialists explain that the best method for monitoring patients at risk of skin cancer is whole body photography in combination with dermoscopy.

The Bodyestudio ATBM automatically monitors all nevi or moles from head to toe.

At-risk patients, those who have sunbathed a lot, people with many moles or with a family history of skin cancer, should undergo periodic examinations once or twice a year. The image registration of this system makes an automatic comparison of the current marks with the previous ones, so that it will show the new lesions or if there have been alterations in the old ones.

In these cases, surgical excision and anatomopathological study of the suspicious lesion is performed.

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When Malignant Melanoma is diagnosed early the cure is close to 100%. If allowed to progress, however, the prognosis worsens and the cancer can become fatal.