The risks of smoking with children around

Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during gestation carries an increased risk of perinatal death and sudden infant death. Tobacco produces negative effects on the newborn, such as on lung and brain development or even congenital malformations.

Smoke and children

Living in an environment where tobacco smoke is present also poses risks for the following diseases:

  • Atopic skin. Atopic skin is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes severe itching.
  • Tooth decay. The teeth are perforated causing pain, if the infection reaches the nerve.
  • Attention deficit with or without hyperactivity. This is an excessive increase in impulsivity and difficulty maintaining attention on an activity for a long period of time.
  • Obesity and diabetes. These are chronic metabolic diseases, which can cause serious heart disease.
  • Asthma. A lung disease that prevents air from leaving or entering the lungs properly.
  • Chronic cough. Cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks without apparent cause.
  • Bronchitis. Swelling of the main airways that causes breathing difficulties.
  • Cancer. In the name given to all those diseases where an uncontrolled division of the cells takes place.
  • Food allergy. Unusual reaction to food that causes an erroneous production of antibodies. It should be noted that children breathe faster than adults, more times per minute. This causes them to be able to breathe in more toxic substances from cigarette smoke (carbon monoxide, nicotine, mercury, cadmium, lead…).

Keep in mind that children breathe faster than adults, more times per minute. This causes them to be able to breathe in more toxic substances from cigarette smoke (carbon monoxide, nicotine, mercury, cadmium, lead…).