
Counselling is a type of therapy that allows patients to discuss their emotional problems and difficulties with a qualified professional. Counselling can be helpful in dealing with many different problems, including mental health illnesses, medical conditions, frustrating and difficult emotions, as well as life events (e.g. divorce, bereavement).

Why go?

There are many reasons why a person may see a specialist. Thoughts, emotions and feelings can be difficult to manage on your own.

It is easier to work out ideas and thoughts, contrast them and talk them through, together with someone who can be supportive and listen without judgment. Counseling is also helpful in dealing with behavioral problems, such as anger, that can be difficult to control and manage.

What does it involve?

Counselling can be done in different ways: in a single session or in a series of sessions (which can take place over a few weeks, months or over a certain period of time), or for much longer periods, lasting several years. The number of sessions required will depend on the individual and the problem he or she is facing.

It should always be exercised by a qualified person. It is important to understand that counseling is not intended to tell the patient how to fix it or to recommend miracle drugs.

It should be carried out in person or in other ways, such as group therapy, and consists of very important personal work on the part of the patient. In some cases, it is possible to offer telephone or online counseling, for example, by chat or e-mail.

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How is counseling beneficial?

Counseling can help in a number of ways, depending on the person and what he or she is experiencing. Although it does not consist of a description of actions to be taken in the future, counseling can help a person come to terms with how they view their problems, their life and even their relationships with others and model the thinking that may be causing them unhappiness or stress, among other things.

It can help people understand how they think; how they view and deal with their problems, manage social relationships, foster empathy and learn to love themselves.

Overall, counseling can help people come to terms with the situation they are experiencing and feel more positive about their problems, developing their emotional intelligence.