Bruxism, stress and cervicalgia. Osteopathic treatment

One of the possible causes of cervical pain or toothache is bruxism.

Very often, the place where it hurts corresponds only to the location of a symptom, masking the real cause of pain and this in osteopathy is no secret.

Bruxism is the habit of clenching or grinding the teeth, during the day or at night, consciously or unconsciously, often being more of a problem at night.

When we chew correctly, we rest on 4 basic pillars: the canines and molars. The closing of the TMJ (Temporo-mandibular joint) is extremely strong and powerful, representing a force of 80 to 200 kilos per square centimeter!

Imagine, what would happen if we were to repeat that same closure for 6-8 hours while we are sleeping all night long? It would be like playing sports while trying to sleep, and figuratively this is what happens.

As a result of all this, the bruxist person has a greater dental wear and jaw pain, manifests fatigue in the morning when he/she gets up, the whole neck hurts or suffers cervicalgia, has postural imbalances, it is difficult to open the mouth or the jaw crepitates, suffers migraines or headaches, and a long etcetera.

At MOTEC Osteopathy Center we advocate an interdisciplinary work together with a specialist in occlusion (not just any dentist) to protect and try to heal the cause and the pain of the bruxist patient through osteopathic work and with an unloading splint with the function of cushioning and distributing the excessive forces and tensions.

Osteopathic Treatment

From Osteopathy we will work all the mandibular musculature, cranial sutures, cranial bones, the entire cervico-scapular region and its relationship with the nervous system through soft cranial-sacral techniques in order to reduce the state of anxiety with the aim of a better adaptation to the splints or the possibility of not needing them.

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Cranial work is very important, since we work the balance through the harmony of the different bones and their relationship with the temporomandibular joint. Also, through gentle techniques of cranial-sacral osteopathy, applicable to cranial bones, pelvis, spine and sacrum, we can balance the autonomic nervous system, reducing the state of chronic anxiety if this is the cause.

Some advice

1) When you are aware that you are bruxing your teeth, you can place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your teeth.

2) Insist on the practice of sports. It helps to channel stress with the stimulation of endorphins. These will help us to intervene and reduce pain.

3) Practice abdominal-diaphragmatic breathing, as this causes a general relaxation.

4) Fold a washcloth, dip it in hot water, twist it and apply on both sides of the face. The heat will relax the tensor muscles of the jaw.

5) Avoid daily habits such as chewing gum, nail biting, biting a pen.

6) Behavioral therapy. This therapy roughly helps the patient to abandon undesirable or harmful habits. Lately they are working on bruxist patients to attribute a series of certain colors to work the central nervous system and to be able to cut this biofeedback.