Itching may appear all over the body

Pruritus is a tingling or irritation of the skin that causes a continuous urge to scratch. It is an unpleasant sensation that can occur all over the body or be localized to a specific area. Pruritus is a very frequent symptom in the Allergology office.

Types of pruritus

There are two types of pruritus: generalized or localized.

Generalized pruritus is the one that affects most of the body and has multiple causes.

  • Systemic causes or primitive pruritus: intestinal parasitosis, jaundice, hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency, iron deficiency, polycythemia vera, lymphomas and some neoplasms.
  • Allergic causes: urticaria, skin atopy, food allergy, contact allergy and drug allergy.
  • Side effects of medications
  • Dermatological causes: psoriasis, eczema, xerosis and scabies, among others.
  • Physical causes: cold, heat and vibrations.
  • Psychological causes: neurodermatitis, stress, emotions, psychological disorders.

Localized pruritus appears only in a certain body area. Two very frequent localizations are vulvar pruritus and anal pruritus.

Vulvar pruritus

Vulvar itching is itching of the vulva, labia or vaginal introitus. First of all, candidiasis or sexually transmitted diseases must be ruled out.

Among the most common causes of vulvar itching are:

  • Chemical irritants: such as detergents and fabric softeners, feminine sprays, ointments, creams, douches and contraceptive foams or jellies.
  • Latex allergy
  • Menopause
  • Stress can increase vaginal itching and make a woman more susceptible to infection.
  • Intestinal parasitosis
  • Vulvodynia, which is chronic vulvar burning, itching, or irritation

Anal itching

Anal itching refers to itching located in the anal area. Its causes can be multiple:

  • Infections
  • Systematic diseases: such as diabetes mellitus, leukemia, lymphoma, etc.
  • Dermatological diseases including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
  • Latex allergy
  • Intestinal diseases: such as Crohn’s disease.
  • Colorectal and anal diseases: internal or external hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, anal fissures or fistulas.
  • Psychological factors: stress or anxiety
  • Side effect of some medications
  • Fecal or urinary incontinence.
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There are other causes of anal itching, such as the use of harsh soaps, intimate wipes or rough toilet paper, excessive sweating or small amounts of fecal matter can also cause irritation and itching.