Job stress, how to cope with it

Stress is an initially healthy reaction that is useful to defend oneself in a dangerous situation and also to motivate oneself to perform tasks of interest. A certain level of work stress is unavoidable, as well as stimulating, as long as it can be kept at an adequate level.

The specialists in Psychology affirm that it can appear at any age and its degree varies a lot from one person to another, since what generates stress to one may not even worry another.

It is necessary to differentiate between stress at a given moment and chronic stress. Chronic stress is related to anxiety disorders and can alter physiological reactions in the organism, in addition to producing serious emotional alterations.

In order to cope with work-related stress and keep it at an adequate level, two aspects must be taken into account:

  • Circumstances that depend on the company and the work environment generated there.
  • Circumstances that depend on the person working in the company.

If the company clearly informs employees about their responsibilities and the future of their careers, the level of motivation of the employees rises and, at the same time, the level of anxiety decreases. This results in less stress.

Tips for managing stress at work

  • Have an adequate level of preparation for the tasks at hand.
  • Understand the dynamics of the company. Knowing the characteristics of the company and the circumstances in which it is located helps to understand.
  • Understanding and overcoming one’s own negative reactions.
  • Extract the valuable part of a criticism to be able to perform the job better.
  • Adopt an attitude of collaboration with the boss, instead of seeing oneself as a victim of the power struggle.
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Communicating with colleagues and sharing with them moments of relaxation at work helps to keep the stress level at the right level. Practicing physical exercise or sports helps to maintain a good state of mind. It is also advisable to learn relaxation techniques to help relieve stressful situations.