Hemorrhoids, what do I do?

Hemorrhoids are a benign and very common disease of the anal canal. There are many factors that contribute to their appearance, but genetic predisposition, pregnancy, diarrhea, constipation and food intolerances stand out.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

There are many people who suffer from hemorrhoids and do not suffer discomfort, according to experts in coloproctology. However, the most common symptom is bright red bleeding with stool, on toilet paper or in the toilet. Sometimes hemorrhoids protrude into the anus, so they appear irritated and painful. Many patients think that cleansing is good, but too much cleansing can increase discomfort due to friction. If the hemorrhoids appear hard and painful, due to the presence of the thrombus, what you will notice is a hard, bluish lump in the anus.

There are other problems with similar symptoms to hemorrhoids, such as anal fissure, perianal fistula, anal itching, moist anus and some ano-rectal tumors. It is important for the physician to study the problem and differentiate it from these pathologies.

Who is affected by hemorrhoids?

There is no specific profile that suffers from hemorrhoids; both women and men can suffer from hemorrhoids. Half of the population has hemorrhoids by the age of 50, but most of us are predisposed to suffer their symptoms at some time during our lives. Although there is no specific profile, hemorrhoids tend to be more common among pregnant women, although the discomfort is usually temporary.

How to diagnose hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be detected when there is blood in the stool, as well as when there is prolonged discomfort in the anus. On these occasions the evaluation of a surgeon is necessary, since bleeding can be a warning sign of other digestive diseases or even colorectal cancer.

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For diagnosis, the expert physician explores the area by digital rectal examination. In some cases, the diagnosis requires a rectocolonoscopy.

Tips to prevent or reduce hemorrhoids

Relief of hemorrhoid symptoms can be achieved by bathing with warm water for short periods of time, which helps to reduce pain. If the pain persists, hemorrhoidal creams can be applied.

To prevent hemorrhoids, irritating foods such as chocolate, carbonated soft drinks, beer, pennyroyal, tea and acidic or spicy foods should be avoided. If you suffer from constipation, you should increase the consumption of natural fiber, fruits and vegetables, not whole grains.

If symptoms persist despite hygienic and dietary care, hemorrhoids should be removed. Before surgery, it is advisable to rule out associated diseases and that there are no food intolerances that cause these symptoms.

Treatment for hemorrhoids

– Hemorrhoidectomy is surgery performed under sedation and local and truncal anesthesia. This is the most effective technique to eliminate hemorrhoids permanently, although it may cause temporary difficulties for bowel emptying, urinary discomfort or pain. The relief of these symptoms is achieved with a good diet, sitz baths and medications prescribed by your surgeon.

– The diode surgical laser achieves that in hemorrhoid surgery the wounds are less inflamed, hurt less and the healing is faster. This is a treatment indicated to remove hemorrhoids without affecting the neighboring tissues, achieving the proper sphincter tone. This technique has immediate results and almost no bleeding, which allows a quick recovery of anal function and an excellent postoperative period.