Anal itching: How to treat it

Anal itching occurs when the skin around the anus becomes irritated. It is a frequent and very uncomfortable process that burdens the patient, but is difficult to tell and consult.

On many occasions, the patient tries to solve it with various creams, some of which are poorly indicated and not very convenient. Moreover, as he suffers from the itching, he needs to scratch the affected area, causing erosions on the skin around the anus. This can cause an infection or perianal dermatitis and worsening of the itching, which is often accompanied by pain and bleeding.

The origin of anal itching can be varied, from the presence of parasites in the stool, fungi in the vagina or stool, fissure or erosions inside the anus, nervousness, spicy and irritating foods, excess alcohol, etc.

In all cases the patient should consult his or her proctologist without fear, who will explore and recommend the necessary tests to confirm the origin of the problem. It is mandatory to explore all patients and rule out parasites in the stool, as well as associated pathologies, indicating individualized treatment for each patient.

Some of the main symptoms are

  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Inflammation

But these symptoms are not always an alarm signal. Most anal itching does not require medical attention, although it is advisable to consult a doctor when the itching is continuous and intense, the anal area may be infected and you have anal bleeding or fecal incontinence.

What are the causes?

Sometimes, the cause of itching in the anus is not identifiable, but among the possible causes of its occurrence are:

  • Infections
  • Skin diseases
  • Fecal incontinence and chronic diarrhea.
  • Other diseases: diabetes, thyroid disease, hemorrhoids and anal tumors.
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Tips for treatment

It is important to treat chronic constipation in order to heal erosions and fissures in the anal canal.

1. A diet free of chocolate, coca-cola, beer, high alcohol, tea, mint-pennyroyal, whole grains, salads, raw vegetables, acids and spicy foods is recommended.

2. Meat, fish, rice, cooked or boiled vegetables, non-wholemeal pasta and sweet fruits should be eaten.

3. Drinking 2 liters of water a day, juices and broths.

4. Avoid violent exercise, heavy exertion, cycling, horseback riding, and in general any effort that increases the pressure in the anus.

5. It is not recommended to wear thongs or tight jeans.

6. In the first week, sitz baths with warm water that relax the anus should be performed for 3 minutes / 3 times a day, and then administer the antibiotic ointment prescribed by your doctor to cure perianal dermatitis.

7. Subsequently, after the hygiene of the area in the shower or washing should be administered olive oil in the anal and perianal area.

With proper treatment and correct self-care, most people obtain absolute relief from anal itching.