Importance of the expert report to assess patients in case of trial

An expert report is the name given to the final document resulting from a series of analyses called “expert findings”. It is a document containing information resulting from an expert’s investigation and analysis. By means of the expert’s report, facts are verified, the causes that produced them, as well as their effects or consequences. The ultimate purpose is to inform.

What results are obtained from an expert’s report and who prepares them?

The “expert results”, as its name indicates, are the results obtained by a person (called expert) with specific knowledge of medicine, in this case, and also in legal matters, among others, for which he/she has been trained. Thus, after the valuation of his client and the documents that this one contributes him, he obtains some conclusions, which are reflected in the document, called Expert’s Report.

The expert is a professional especially distinguished by his knowledge and experience in the matter. The client requests to the expert the final elaboration of an expert report that can be used to solve diverse situations that can be given.

Types of expert reports and cases in which they are used

There are many types of expert reports, which are a means of proof:

– To determine the origin of a particular disease.
– To determine the intensity and severity of an illness
– To determine the degree of disability
– To determine the type of incapacity for work
– To determine whether the client has suffered harassment at work, stress at work, bullying, sexual harassment, etc.
– To quantify the psychic damage suffered
– To calculate an indemnity
– To determine the civil capacity of a person
– To determine whether a will is valid, etc.

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The reports can be used to try to convince with arguments the parties involved in a dispute: matrimonial, with the social security, with the company, with the mutual insurance company, or with an insurer, etc. Thus, in the event of a trial, expert reports are a very important means of evidence, which will be analyzed and confronted by the judge.

Therefore, they are of great relevance for patients and often become the support that the judge has to pass a sentence.

Influence and importance of the psychiatrist in the preparation of the expert’s report

The main purpose of the psychiatrist is to show solidarity with the victim. Because of his experience in assessing the behavior and suffering of the human being, his participation is crucial for the preparation of a good expert report. Thus, it helps to detect symptoms, limitations, sequelae and damage that often the victim, because of his suffering, has not noticed them. Likewise, the psychiatrist also helps the victim to organize his or her tests or to look for the necessary ones.

Moreover, the psychiatrist acts as a liaison with the client’s lawyers. This favors teamwork, and greater opportunities for the client to achieve the proposed objectives. In short, the psychiatrist is a companion throughout the entire procedure who, at the same time, provides support and security to the patient.

Edited by Patricia Pujante Crespo