What phobias has Covid-19 caused?

The pandemic caused by the coronavirus has created different fears in the population, which have had an important impact on our physical and emotional health.

Top 8 phobias caused by the pandemic

  1. Agoraphobia

People who suffer from it experience fear or dread of being alone in open places, going out of the house or being in places with many people.

This can appear due to the long period of seclusion, causing terror in some people when they can go outside again, having a feeling of loss of control.

  1. Demophobia

It can appear in people who have a great fear of contagion, since it is a strong fear of crowds.

  1. Thanatophobia

It is an unjustified and very persistent fear of death, both of oneself and of one’s loved ones. This phobia may have appeared or been reinforced by the number of data appearing about those who died from the pandemic or shocking images.

  1. Claustrophobia

One of the best known, this is the fear of being in enclosed spaces. It is not a fear of the specific space, but of the possible negative consequences that may occur in such a place (not being able to get out, asphyxia…). This causes extreme anxiety, having a feeling of shortness of breath or dizziness. The quarantine may have increased this phobia, because an enclosed place can be a place of contagion.

  1. Hypochondria

It is the fear of suffering a serious disease, from a personal interpretation of some sensation or sign of the body. The person can also become convinced that he/she suffers from this disease.

The subconscious may be immersed in this excessive fear of falling ill because of all the information of contagions and deaths that we receive, both nationally and in the rest of the world.

  1. Eremofobia

This phobia is usually a consequence of a trauma of abandonment, being the fear of being alone. Many people have felt lonely during quarantine and think that if they are accompanied they are less likely to suffer bad things.

  1. Ruphophobia

A phobia related to OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), since it is the fear of dirt and the obsession with being able to contaminate oneself or other people.

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Quarantine may have developed this phobia in some people, who live very aware of washing their hands a specific number of times a day, for example.

  1. Haptophobia or Afephobia

When a person has a phobia of physical contact, generating an uncontrollable level of repulsion and discomfort. Also originated by the fear of contagion.

How can we manage these phobias?

It is important that, first of all, we understand that a phobia is an irrational reaction, caused by the situation we are living. In any case, it is normal because no one was prepared for a pandemic and it is understandable to be more susceptible to experience some of the phobias mentioned. We should not believe that we are going crazy, these are just exaggerated reactions.

It is a mistake to believe that the phobia will go away on its own, it must be worked on and not ignored. When we settle into what makes us feel safe, we reinforce that irrational fear.

When we face phobias we must set realistic goals, in situations where we can be calm. For example, if we are afraid of crowds it is not advisable to go to a macro concert, it is better to start with a walk in a place a little busier than usual.

In this sense, relaxation or meditation techniques can help us feel more confident. These techniques help us to relax our nervous system, giving us peace of mind.

In psychotherapy an exercise is done to treat these phobias, which consists of making a hierarchy with the things that make us less afraid until the one that makes us the most afraid. In this way, we can begin to expose ourselves gradually and begin to overcome the fear.

It is important not to put pressure on ourselves over time and to be constant. If we need help, we should ask for help and go to a specialist in Psychology.