Embryoscope: the revolution in embryonic medicine

The Embryoscope is an innovative technology that is revolutionizing Embryonic Medicine. The treatment consists of an incubator that maintains in vitro the physiological conditions required by the embryo, but has a special feature: it incorporates a camera that captures images of the embryo’s development. It can be said that it creates a film of the beginning of life, since the images are captured continuously.

What differentiates this technology from previous ones?

This new technology can increase pregnancy rates mainly due to two aspects: On the one hand, there is no need to remove the embryos from the incubator to bring them to the microscope, and therefore, changes in temperature, light and other factors are no longer a problem.

In addition, this innovative technology makes it possible to choose the embryos that have undergone the most optimal development process and will consequently have a higher implantation potential. Once the best embryos have been chosen, one -or two- will be used for embryo transfer and the rest will be frozen.

What advantages does embryoscope offer?

  • The culture environment is stable and controlled at all times.
  • Reduced manipulations of the embryos during the culture stage.
  • Monitoring and recording of images of all embryos 24 hours a day.
  • Instant and continuous information of the development process.
  • Optimal embryo selection.
  • Increased chances of transferring a single embryo and therefore reducing multiple pregnancies.
  • Retrospective analysis to help draw diagnostic conclusions.
  • Visual recording of the early stages of embryonic development for prospective parents.
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Under a global vision, it is considered that this technology increases pregnancy rates by 10-15% with respect to the classic culture and evaluation methods of assisted reproduction. As already mentioned, this is mainly due to the improvement in culture conditions and embryo selection.

It is clear that when we talk about Assisted Reproduction we can say that we continue to invest in the future and in new technologies. Improving efficiency increases the chances of pregnancy, reduces the time it takes to achieve it and optimizes patient resources.