Hair Micropigmentation: end alopecia without surgery

Hair micropigmentation is a technique that involves the introduction of small amounts of pigment at a superficial level in the epidermis for corrective and beautifying purposes.

Hair mycopigmentation, the treatment

In the scalp pigmentation procedure, various specialized pigments are selected according to the case to be treated, depending on several factors such as hair and skin color, skin characteristics and skin condition. Using a highly sophisticated technique combining angles, depths of penetration, sizes and shades of pigment, obtaining incredibly natural results.

When is hair micropigmentation used?

Hair micropigmentation is used in patients with alopecia who wish to go shaved, thus achieving a very natural shaved effect.

There are cases of women with androgenetic alopecia who use micropigmentation to conceal the skin of the scalp.

To achieve an optimal result, between two and four sessions are carried out.

Once it has been performed, should the patient follow any postoperative guidelines?

Although this treatment does not involve a great deal of post-treatment care, in order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and to avoid side effects that may appear, the following instructions should be followed.

  • Use a total sun protection cream if sun exposure is foreseen.
  • Completely avoid the sun and U.V.A. rays on the treated areas for at least one month. Otherwise the pigment may suffer color alterations.
  • Treat the area carefully. Do not rub or scratch the treated area.
  • Keep the area as dry as possible, avoid sweating, do not play sports for 5 days after the treatment.
  • Apply several times a day, during one week, pure petroleum jelly on the treated area.
  • Do not apply any type of cosmetics on the area without authorization of the specialist.
  • Do not eat seafood for two or three days.
  • Glycolic Acid treatments on dermo-pigmented areas may produce color alterations or fading.
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How long do the results of micropigmentation last?

The micropigmentation pigment is implanted in the epidermis at 0.07 mm, so the color can be removable. The duration of the treatment will depend on several factors such as the care of the treatment, skin characteristics, sun exposure…

Almost 70% of our customers retouch after about two years to darken the treated area again, as it does not disappear, but only fades over time.