What is the Pronokal diet?

The PnK® Method is a medical weight loss treatment, specifically designed to solve lipoinflammation and helps to:

  • Lose weight effectively and safely in the short term.
  • Comply with the treatment from start to finish with high motivation.
  • Keep the weight off.

How can the body “burn” only the caloric reserves of fat and thus lose weight?

Thanks to a specific and personalized multidisciplinary methodology together with its exclusive ProteinDHA® formula, which includes:

  • Dietary guideline with ProteinDHA® (very low calorie diet).
  • Anti-inflammatory supplementation of DHA/EPA (omega 3 fatty acids).
  • Specific physical exercise with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Psycho-emotional support (coaching).

Why eat large amounts of protein? Can deficiencies of other vitamins and nutrients occur?

The PNK Method is a selective weight loss treatment at the expense of fats based on a very low calorie diet (VLCD), which requires a reduction of lipids and carbohydrates in the daily intake, to quickly establish the condition of metabolic ketosis, maintaining the protein balance that avoids the loss of muscle mass as much as possible.

Thus, the body is forced to consume its own excess fat reserves that are inflaming our tissues. The correct proportion between nutrients established in the VLCD is indispensable, ensuring the minimum protein intake to avoid the loss of muscle mass and reducing fats and carbohydrates so that the liver begins to manufacture ketone bodies, which will help nourish the brain and block anxiety and hunger. All PNK products contain 15 g of high quality protein with maximum absorption. The total amount of protein consumed daily is adequate and sufficient without generating excesses.

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The supplementation of the Pronokal Method has been applied for 17 years with scientific rigor and according to European protocols. It is designed to provide the patient with the minerals and vitamins that need to be supplemented throughout the treatment in its different steps. The supplementation contributes significantly to resolving lipoinflammation and reducing the patient’s cardiovascular risk.

Can there still be a “rebound” effect?

It is very common to regain weight after weight loss, even if you maintain a balanced diet and exercise. This phenomenon is a consequence of lipoinflammation. The term lipoinflammation refers to the inflammatory process of the cells that occurs in the adipose tissue (fat) as a consequence of overweight and obesity.

When fat cells increase in size due to excess weight, they trigger a series of cellular reactions that lead to inflammation of the fat tissue. This is a cellular inflammation that is not visible from the outside, but is related to the progressive increase in obesity and the tendency to regain lost weight after dieting.

In this sense, the PnK® Method, developed by PronoKal Group®, is the only weight loss method that acts at the cellular level to prevent weight regain, resolving lipoinflammation through the adequate supply of DHA and EPA type Omegas 3 from the first day of treatment.