Take care of your skin against melasma

With the arrival of good weather during the spring/summer months, the appearance of melasma or hormonal pigmentation is frequent. Therefore, prevention and care of our skin is key to avoid these spots.

Melasma is a skin pathology that consists of hyperpigmentation of the skin, that is, the presence of dark spots, which usually appear in the central area of the forehead, cheeks and upper lip. Although it is true that it does not cause health problems, it has an unsightly physical appearance, so it is convenient to know how to prevent it. Although it can appear in anyone, it is more common in young women who take the contraceptive pill or who are pregnant, but it can occur without either of these two factors.

What are the causes of its appearance?

There is no known cause of this skin alteration, but there are certain factors that activate the cells responsible for skin pigmentation (melanocytes).

– Exposure to ultraviolet light and sunlight: Excessive overexposure to ultraviolet rays, known as UVA rays, activates the melanin in our skin. For this reason, the most damaged areas of the skin are those that are most exposed to sunlight.

– Hormonal status of the patient: Those women who are pregnant are more likely to suffer from this pathology. In some cases, it also coincides with the beginning of a contraceptive treatment.

– Genetics: Genetic predisposition is also a determining factor in the appearance of melasma.

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– Cosmetics: Some make-up or beauty products can have an irritating or allergic effect on predisposed individuals, causing or worsening melasma.

How can melasma be treated?

It is important to see a specialist first and identify the cause of the excess skin pigmentation. When aesthetically it is a problem for the patient, the person can resort to different forms of melasma treatment. Nowadays, the most commonly used are depigmenting creams, which contain different active ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, retinoic acid (effective substances to combat skin spots). Chemical peels have also been used, as well as different types of lasers such as pulsed light. Using low-power laser sessions together with powerful depigmenting drugs can help to progressively lighten the skin, together with the use of the creams mentioned above.

Can melasma be prevented?

The best way to prevent melasma, in addition to photoprotectors, is to use sunglasses, hats, caps and avoid sun exposure in the middle of the day. It is also very important to take extreme care during the first exposures to the open air, whether at the beach or in the countryside. Although with the appropriate treatments melasma can improve or reduce the appearance and color of the spots significantly, there are no treatments that eliminate it permanently.