Clinical Hypnosis

Clinical hypnosis is a technique used in psychotherapy to connect with the most emotional part of the brain. In this way the therapeutic process is made more effective.

What is clinical hypnosis?

The clinical hypnosis is a tool that we use in Psychotherapy to connect with the most emotional part of the brain, place where the negative emotion of the patient is installed. In this way we can work freely without the analytical (conscious) part of the person.

With clinical hypnosis we manage to shorten the therapy time, in addition to making the therapeutic process more effective since we work directly with the emotional part of the brain.

The main objective of the application of clinical hypnosis is that the patient gets the security he needs in his emotional brain to feel in harmony with himself.

Applications of the clinical hypnosis

Clinical hypnosis is performed in consultation with the aim of eliminating any emotional blockage that may be preventing the process of pregnancy in someone who is undergoing fertility treatment. In addition, with clinical hypnosis we help patients in this field to properly manage their emotions, fears or concerns throughout the fertility process.

It is a very effective tool in treatments for anxiety, pain, in those people who want to quit smoking, in sexual disorders, such as erection problems or vaginismus; eating problems, such as obesity; in addition to the achievement of objectives, feeling in harmony and balance in oneself.

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Clinical hypnosis is applied to all types of patients, except those suffering from some type of psychotic disorder.