Frequently asked questions about tendinitis in athletes

When we speak of tendinitis we refer to an inflammation of a tendon that, originally, is acute. When this inflammation is prolonged over time, it becomes chronic and then we speak of tendinosis.

Why does tendinitis occur?

The tendinitis is originated by different circumstances, as it can be a gesture or movement repeated many times, or a movement in bad position or with bad sport technique. Other times it can be due to external factors such as the footwear, the bicycle or a bad grip. Even when performing a poor sporting gesture, tendinitis can occur, as it can cause stress on the tendon and, as a result, inflammation of the tendon.

Are there groups more prone to suffer tendinitis? Why?

There are no groups more prone to tendinitis. What is clear is that athletes, due to the repetition of certain movements, may have a higher risk of suffering tendinitis. In addition, these athletes have to control very well the material they use and perfectly master the technique and the movement or gesture in their sports specialty.

How to treat tendinitis

To treat tendinitis, the first thing is a correct diagnosis, which should be made by a doctor specializing in Sports Medicine, through questions and examination of the athlete. Occasionally we can make complementary tests, mainly an ultrasound or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

After the diagnosis it is usually recommended to rest the affected area and a rehabilitation regimen with electrotherapy, mobilization, massage and cryotherapy, sometimes accompanied by anti-inflammatory drugs. Once the acute phase is over, it is a good idea to start working on muscle building in the area, normally by means of eccentric exercises. At the end of rehabilitation, we start a well-controlled readaptation period, so that the athlete can gradually resume his or her usual sporting activity.

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Can it lead to complications if not treated correctly?

The big problem with tendinitis is that it can become chronic, since it takes longer to treat. It is much easier to treat and recover from a tendinitis of one or two months of evolution than those tendinitis of 8 months or a year of evolution.