The importance of getting a medical checkup

The medical check-up is a medical examination, carried out by a physician specialized in internal medicine, which consists of a detailed medical history, followed by a physical examination by apparatus, and, in addition, the performance of a series of complementary examinations.

The main purpose of the medical check-up is the prevention of diseases, as well as the detection of the main cardiovascular risk factors and the early diagnosis of diseases. It is a matter of knowing a person’s state of health.

90% of medical check-ups would detect some disease. The frequency of finding one increases with age, since it is not the same to have a medical check-up at the age of 40 as it is at the age of 60.

Types of medical check-up

There are different types of medical check-ups. In general, we can speak of a preventive check-up and a diagnostic check-up.

The preventive medical checkup is aimed at people with no known previous disease. It is the one that is performed in most cases. However, what we can call the diagnostic medical checkup is focused on deepening in a symptom or a concrete pathology that the patient presents.

On the other hand, we can also differentiate between a basic checkup and a more complete checkup. The basic medical check-up consists of a medical history, a physical examination, a blood, urine and stool analysis, an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray. In a complete medical checkup all these tests are performed plus other explorations such as functional respiratory tests to know the patient’s lung capacity; cardiological tests, such as an echocardiogram and a stress test; and an abdominal ultrasound. In the case of men, after the age of 50, it is also advisable to undergo a vesicoprostatic ultrasound and, in the case of women, a gynecological ultrasound and a mammogram. In addition to undergoing all these tests, it is advisable to undergo a urological check-up in the case of men, and a gynecological check-up in the case of women. A check-up with an ophthalmologist and an otolaryngologist should also be performed.

There are also a number of additional tests that are performed in certain situations. For example, if the patient is a smoker, it is advisable to perform a scan or a thoracic CT scan, capable of detecting a small nodule or lung disease. An Abdominopelvic CT can also be performed to detect lithiasis, lymphadenopathy, abdominal masses, abdominal aortic aneurysms. Another test that can be performed is the Coronary AngioTAC to see the state of the coronary arteries and the quantification of coronary calcium.

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Other types of explorations would be endoscopic studies such as Gastroscopy to detect hiatal hernias, gastritis or ulcers and Colonoscopy with sedation when there are disorders of the rhythm of bowel movements or emission of blood in the stool. It is also indicated when there is a family history of colon cancer or as a preventive study in people over 50 years of age.

At what age is it recommended to have a medical check-up?

In general, from the age of 40 onwards it is advisable to have a medical check-up, which can be repeated every two years. And, in the case of people over 50 years of age, it is much more advisable to have this type of check-up. In the case of people with cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, obesity or who have a history of any disease in the family, such as a parent who has suffered from cancer, it is very important to have a complete medical checkup.

Specific medical check-ups

In addition to the types of medical checkups mentioned above, there are checkups aimed at studying a specific device. For example, cardiology, pneumology, digestive, urology, gynecology, oncology, among others. A complete medical checkup is the sum of these different types of checkups.

Disease Prevention Units

Today, a series of “disease prevention units” have been put into operation, ranging from vascular risk prevention units to units for the prevention of different types of cancer such as early detection of colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer, among others.


Given the high incidence of cardiovascular risk factors that can be detected thanks to check-ups and the fact that cardiovascular disease is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Spain and throughout the western world, it is vitally important to make the population aware of the need to lead a healthy life, based on a balanced diet, reducing alcohol consumption, regular physical exercise, as well as regular medical check-ups to reduce the incidence of diseases in the future, in order to maintain a good quality of life over the years.