Tips for returning to sports after the summer

After the summer is a good time to continue or start practicing some sport. If a person is usually quite sedentary and has decided to start doing sports.

How is it advisable to start practicing sports?

You should visit a sports doctor, who will do a physical examination and order the necessary tests. In addition, the return to sport should be progressive and of gentle intensity during the first few days. In the case of paddle tennis, it is advisable to start with 1 or 2 days a week for the first month. Leaving a day of rest between match days.

It is also advisable to have a blood and urine test, as well as a resting ECG (electrocardiogram). In the case of runners and high intensity sports, it is advisable to perform a stress test + echocardiogram.

Is it advisable to combine sport with new eating habits?

Overweight control, only with food diets, achieves worse results than if it is combined with the practice of some sport. It is also necessary to drink water or liquids before and during exercise; do not wait until you are thirsty to drink!

Likewise, sport helps to reduce the anxiety produced by the sensation of hunger and to shape the body, toning the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Recommended sports according to age

These are some of the sports recommended for the following profiles, taking into account that they are sedentary people in all cases:

  • Young people between 20 and 30 years old: sports such as swimming, cycling or running.
  • Women / Men between 30 and 40 years old: sports with and without impact (swimming, cycling, running…).
  • Women / Men from 40 to 60 years old: sports with and without impact (swimming, cycling, running…).
  • Woman / Man over 65: Non-impact sports such as yoga, tai chi or aquagym.
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What mistakes are made when doing sports after a long period of inactivity?

People tend to start with a lot of enthusiasm and an excess of intensity; with impact sports such as soccer, running, etc. However, it should be started progressively, with muscle stretching before, before and after playing.

Most frequent injuries when exercising without taking precautions

These are usually injuries due to muscle overload (tendinitis, muscle sprains, etc.) and joint overload (chondropathies, stress fractures, etc.) due to excessive intensity and frequency, without allowing periods of sports rest between physical activity sessions.

Is sports equipment important?

Yes, the equipment must be comfortable, breathable and good sports shoes must be used, without the need to spend a lot of money on expensive brands.

It is also important to have a gait study performed by a sports podiatrist before buying a pair of running shoes. This will prevent overuse injuries (feet, ankles and knees). The advice on shoes that some sports store salesmen may give you is debatable.

What is the right frequency to practice sports?

Two or three days a week is enough. It is advisable to leave one day of rest between sessions of physical activity. In young athletes, forced by their studies, the afternoon is recommended as the best time to practice sport. In adults, it is advisable in the morning, before work, or at noon, since in this way we “recharge our batteries” before returning to work in the afternoon.