Tips for Surviving the Exam Season

February, June and September are the times of the year when nerves invade many students. It is common that they do not control the emotional stress and end up having anxiety, causing them to block, perform less and even the study ends in failure.

Suffering anxiety during exam periods is more normal than people think, and it is not at all negative. Anxiety is an emotion that appears when people are in a situation of danger or threat to them, such as exam time.

Anxiety and stress manifest themselves in the body by increasing the heart rate in order to send more blood to the brain, lungs and muscles. This activates the body’s nervous system and makes it more able to concentrate and react faster. This is beneficial in the sense that the individual has more capacity to increase his performance, but when it occurs in excess, it leads to blockage.

How to avoid the blockage produced by anxiety

The experts in Psychology of Psicosalud Almeria state that when a person presents a picture of anxiety, it is necessary to work on the physical, cognitive and behavioral aspects:

  • Physical: it is recommended that the patient eats healthy and sleeps the necessary average hours of sleep. Specialists can help the person to schedule the study, time, content and reviews.
  • Behavior: there are very easy relaxation techniques that can be carried out at any time, and that have a great effect. One example is that minutes before the exam the person writes down how he/she feels and unburdens him/herself. Also, it is quite effective to tense the body and release it little by little.
  • Cognitive domain: positive messages that remind the person how much he/she is worth and that he/she is capable of anything is essential for daily study.