How to keep teeth white?

Undoubtedly, the best way to maintain white teeth is to have good habits for as long as possible. To do this, it is necessary to avoid:

– Tobacco in all its variants

– Dark-colored drinks such as coffee, tea, colas…

– Foods with very saturated dyes, such as fried tomato, saffron, soy sauce, squid ink and in general, fruits and vegetables with strong colors.

There are pigments in the diet that neutralize the bleaching effect. Also taking certain medications can cause our teeth to darken.

These notes do not mean that we have to make a “white diet” for the rest of our days, everything should be done with common sense, and when the teeth return to a more yellowish color, go to the office for a check-up (assuming that everything is in good health). A prophylaxis will be performed to eliminate superficial stains and to control the state of the gums. It will be then when we can do a recall whitening or a complete whitening.

Teeth whitening technique

The teeth whitening technique that experts in Dentistry perform in consultation is combined, that is, one or more sessions in the clinic and continue the treatment at home.

The products used at Me Encanta Mi Dentista are safe and of high quality. Depending on the type of whitening we are going to perform, we will vary the concentrations of active product. For the in-clinic session we will use the high concentration ones, activated by means of a LED light lamp. These products are safe as they have a neutral pH and incorporate desensitizing agents. The lamp is cold light which avoids possible pulpitis due to overheating of the tooth.

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The clinic session(s) are complemented with the treatment at home, since the appointment alone IS NOT ENOUGH to provide the desired color and brightness. More contact time is needed between the tooth and the whitening product to achieve the right color and maintain its stability in the long term. If the times are not respected, the color will recur (return to the original color) much sooner than it should.

Home remedies for teeth whitening

People have always tried to have their teeth a little whiter as it gives an image of cleanliness and care, although since the 90’s there has been a revolution in terms of demand and whitening techniques imported from the USA.

Traditionally, rinses with hydrogen peroxide and tooth brushing with sodium perborate have been used. These home remedies have been used because there was nothing else, but nowadays we have reliable, safe and long-lasting methods for teeth whitening.

The misnamed whitening pastes do not contain sufficient concentration of whitening product to lighten teeth because by law they are not allowed to be sold unless under the supervision of a dentist; there is only one and it must be provided by your dentist as it is not an over-the-counter product.