The Importance of Regular Breast Screening

If you have already undergone breast surgery or you are planning to do it soon, it is important that when you undergo the appropriate gynecological controls you send us the ultrasound and/or mammography report that has been performed that year; in this way we can have a better control and attach it to the clinical history of each patient.

If you are a carrier of breast implants, although nowadays the quality of the prosthesis materials has improved considerably, we must not forget the importance of periodic controls to assess the integrity of the implants and to know the state of the mammary glands.

In Dr. Perez-Escariz’s office we are aware of the continuous changes that affect patients with breast implants. Therefore, it is very important to keep in touch with them and to carry out periodic reviews.

Our methodology consists of:

  1. Every 3 or 5 years, depending on each case (age, personal and family history and type of prosthesis…), a review in consultation with Dr. Escariz.
  2. Every year a review with the specialist in Gynecology. This report of the test or review by the specialist should be sent to Dr. Escariz.

Periodic check-ups ensure the good condition of the implants and help to diagnose any unforeseen event in advance.