8 frequently asked questions about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, like any surgical treatment, causes certain doubts in the person who is going to undergo the surgery. The following are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about breast augmentation that are made in the consultation of a specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.

What are the main reasons for undergoing breast augmentation?

The reasons that lead a patient to undergo this type of surgery may be several. On the one hand, alterations in breast development such as breast asymmetry, breast hypoplasia, tuberous breast and Poland’s syndrome. On the other hand, there are patients who want to undergo breast reconstruction after breast cancer and, finally, those who want a larger breast volume to improve their personal image.

What is the best time of the year to undergo this operation?

As long as the surgeon’s recommendations are taken into account, any time of the year is a good time to undergo this surgery.

Is it possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation?

Yes, it is possible, since breast augmentation does not contraindicate breastfeeding. However, it should be noted that in the case of prostheses placed through the areola, the scar in the mammary gland can make breastfeeding difficult. The possible decrease in sensitivity in the nipple may, on the other hand, decrease the stimulation and milk production may be lower. Breast prostheses that are placed in the sulcus or armpit do not usually cause complications during breastfeeding.

How to choose the right size?

The appropriate size is the one that satisfies the desired volume of the patient, always within the possibilities suggested by the plastic surgeon to achieve a harmonious result. Communication between the specialist and the patient, as well as an exhaustive preoperative study, are the fundamental pillars to achieve the desired results.

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What types of breast prostheses are there?

In terms of shape, prostheses can be round or anatomical. On the other hand, regarding the material, in Spain they are always silicone gel prostheses, while in the USA physiological serum prostheses are also used.

How to choose the right prosthesis?

In the process of selecting the right breast prosthesis, parameters such as thoracic contour, height and breast dimensions have an influence. However, it is really the patient’s wishes, together with the medical specialist’s criteria, that determine the final volume.

Which material is the most suitable?

Silicone gel breast implants are those that provide greater experience and safety, in addition to offering a texture similar to breast tissue. This material provides a more anatomical and stable shape. The great variety of shapes that exist, allow to choose the most suitable model to the anatomy of the patient’s breast.

How are breast prostheses placed?

There are three common methods for the placement of breast implants: submammary sulcus, axillary route and through the areola. The submammary sulcus offers a hidden scar in the sulcus, without manipulation of the mammary gland. The axillary approach offers the same advantage. On the other hand, with the areola approach it is necessary to section the mammary gland for implant placement. The choice of the approach depends, again, on the surgeon’s indication and the patient’s preferences.