Alopecia: what types are there?

Alopecia or hair loss is a hair pathology that causes the hair follicle to fall out. Although many men resign themselves and decide to wear their heads shaved or show off their baldness naturally, others decide to turn to hair health experts, such as Dr. Vicente Paloma, a specialist at the Surgical Capillary Institute, to find an adequate solution to the problem.

It is very common for men to undergo examinations in search of alopecic symptoms, since to a greater or lesser degree most men experience some type of baldness throughout their lives.

Although everyone knows how to recognize baldness, many people are not aware of the different types of alopecia that exist.

The Surgical Capillary Institute identifies 6 types of hair loss:

  1. Androgenetic alopecia: it can affect in adolescence or adulthood. It is the most common baldness and can be transmitted from parents to children. It occurs when enzymes convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which causes shrinkage of the hair follicles.
  2. Alopecia aerata is an irregular hair loss. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes our immune system to attack healthy hair follicles. Although there are no conclusive studies, it is believed that traumatic events and stress may be the cause of this disorder.
  3. Scarring alopecia: occurs when hair follicles are lost and replaced by scar tissue. There are two types of scarring alopecia: primary and secondary. The former is characterized by the natural elimination of hair follicles, while the latter is caused by burns or infections.
  4. Diffuse alopecia is a progressive and random hair loss in a specific area of the scalp. It begins with the reduction of hair density, which gradually falls out. It is usually associated with other pathologies.
  5. Fibrosing alopecia: occurs when baldness is located in the frontal area of the head. The hair grows further and further away from the forehead. It affects women who begin to suffer from menopause.
  6. Universal alopecia: this is the most extreme type of baldness, since it affects the entire scalp, with the possibility of extending to other areas such as eyebrows and eyelashes.
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The hair surgeons of the Surgical Capillary Institute can advise you to find the most appropriate solution to solve hair loss. Their personalized treatments based on the specific causes that have produced alopecia guarantee an optimal result in all their treatments.